𝚇𝚇𝚇. 𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚢

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"Please take me to the nearest clinic here."

"But young miss, that young lad told me to bring you to the palace."

"I'll pay you one gold."

"That man is scary youn-"

"Five golds."

"Alright, young miss."

'My throat hurts.' Y/n stared blankly and sighed with her eyes wide open.

She had never yelled like that because it wasn't really fit in a concubine's etiquette.

It made her throat itch but the feeling when doing it is kind of stress releasing.

"I'm gonna get my ankle healed then we attack Taehyung." Y/n raised her fist and used it to pat her chest but ended up being shoved forward.

"Shit! Young miss I think the horse broke a leg!"

☽. ° • ༆ ❦ ༆ • °.☾

"Tae?" Y/n knocks at the door. The door was nearly falling off and some of the walls are falling off.

She could see some bits of the inside but she didn't dare to look. She wants to at least respect his privacy right now since he's mad.

"I know you hear me Tae so I'm gonna say my apology here." Y/n said loudly and leaned on the door. The door looks like it could be blown away by a pretty harsh wind but it was luckily sturdy enough to lean on.

Y/n sighed happily after sitting. Her body is tired from all of the activities she did.

After the horse randomly broke a leg, she had to go find another carriage which took a long time. When she got to the clinic, the doctor said that her ankle wasn't sprained but just twisted, and without any warning, the doctor twisted her ankle back to it's right position.

It's a pretty crazy day.

Although her ankle is fine, the twisting gave some leftover pain to her that appears every time she steps.

And she had to walk her way to Taehyung's house.


Yeah it was pretty tiring.

"So uhm... My real name is Y/n a-and I am the first concubine." Y/n's breath hitched but she continued. "I know that it's a shocking fact but that's who I really am. I sneaked out before to buy that tea that I got from you because I was going to use it for myself. And... And. Why? Because I want to run away from the palace. My husband is taking in another wife. I know that as a concubine, I should've prepared myself about this since it's normal for an emperor to take in several wives. But I just can't handle seeing him together with another girl, so I am running away. It's... it's a coward move but I am not sharing my man with several girls." Y/n fiddled with her hand. "I'm really sorry that I've kept my identity from you Tae, but I really treated you genuinely as my friend. A-and for all the things we've been through, I don't think I just can let a friend like you go. I want to fix this before I leave this place and I want to say a proper goodbye to you." Y/n took a deep breath and stood up. "I hope that these things that I revealed are enough to make you trust me again. If you still don't feel safe with me you can reveal those words. I'm really sorry Tae." She ended and walked away to go back home.

Y/n felt half of her guilt on her chest leave. She got to say what she wanted. It's up to Taehyung if he'll forgive her or not. If he doesn't want to, it's fine.

She would be thankful of the things that he did for her and the time that he made her happy.

On the other side of the door, Taehyung felt her footsteps as she walked away. He was also leaning against the door while listening to her.

Right now, Taehyung felt lost.

☽. ° • ༆ ❦ ༆ • °.☾

"Oh my goodness- it's already sunset?!" Y/n whisper screamed.

She's screwed. Very very screwed.

"Did you see all those soldiers? It made my hair stood up! Aigoo, I thought we were being attacked by another nation."

"All those soldiers just to find one person? What the- are they trying to find a notorious criminal?"


Y/n scrunched her nose at the conversation. It sounds unbelievable but when Y/n heard a synchronized marching, she concluded that they were speaking the truth.

Hundreds of soldiers marched, some sat on a horse but majority were marching.

The people were hushed from their own conversations and only the marching and strutting of a horse was the only thing that's heard.

Y/n pulled her hood over her head and silently watched the flock of soldiers. From her observation, the emperor isn't here.

All of the soldiers wore identical armors, if the emperor is with them, one would stood out since the emperor always wore an outfit that doesn't match the soldiers.

For a moment, Y/n felt relieved.

Until she met two black raging eyes, piercing a hole through her head.

Y/n felt her whole body sweating.

'Is that Jungkook?!' her eyes widened.

He wore the same outfit as the other soldiers. All she could see was his eyes but she can immediately recognize him.

She could feel all his anger just by looking at that type of stare.

Y/n then remembered that her face is also covered.

'He didn't recognize me that quick right?'



"Ok let's run." Y/n muttered to herself and ran away from the group of soldiers.

Y/n could feel his staring even though she have her back facing him.

'What the fuck is this? Why did he bring a whole army?'

Being preoccupied by her thoughts, Y/n didn't notice the arm that was aiming to grab her.

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