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"Omooo~ What a handsome young lad. Come, come~" an old lady beckons Jungkook to come. "With your face, I'm sure that you already have a lover. Here, take a look to my hairpins and gift this to show your love to her!" She added.

It was the common tactic to gain a customer. First, compliment then introduce the product.

And Jungkook fell victim to that.

"Will she really like it?" He asked with pure curiosity.

"My~ Of course! Who wouldn't like a gift from someone you love." The lady continued to endorse.

There were several hairpins that's displayed in front of him.

In his eyes, they're all identical since they serve the same purpose.

Should he buy the most expensive one?

"What's the most expe-"

"Don't." Namjoon piped in.

The seller glared at the shadow guard.

"The most expensive one won't please her, choose wisely." Namjoon continued and had a good five second of Jungkook's stare.

"Then what should I pick?" For a moment Namjoon couldn't believe his senses.

Is this the same man who killed Jimin yesterday?

A scenario of Jungkook looking lost on what to gift Y/n is such a bizarre sight.

"I don't know I- just choose the one that reminds you of her." With that he turned his back to him, wanting to find a food stall since they hadn't had their breakfast yet.

While walking away, Namjoon could still feel the full of hate stare of the seller.

Well he did made her lose some profit.

Back to the troubled emperor, Jungkook then decided to scan each and every detail of the hair pins.

The first one was a pin made of jade.

Pretty good quality but it might hurt her since it's not bendy.

Next was a thick metal one.

Looks durable but not bendy either.

The next is made with the perfect material but the design looks shitty.

As he goes through the pins, he finally realized how they differ.

Each pins that passed through his eyes were given a remark in his head.

Several pins had been rated when Jungkook's eyes stumbled upon a midnight colored one. It has the color of violet, navy blue and black mixed together imitating the sky at night. There were also some white dots that might represent the stars.

By that, he came into a conclusion.

Y/n likes sky.

Hairpin looks like sky.

He buys it.

"I'll take this one." He declares after moments of questioning himself which of the hairpin is better.

"Alright, young man." The seller grinned widely. The hairpin he chose was one of the most expensive.

"I got food." Namjoon returned and saw the hairpin being exchanged with some of gold pieces Jungkook brought with him.

"Oh my- I don't have a change for this young man."

"Just take it." Jungkook waved his hand, not bothering to look at her because he was busy scanning the hairpin.

The seller beamed.

"You two aren't from here, I suppose." The seller nodded.

"How do you know?" Namjoon asked. They had dressed like a commoner to fit in the crowd.

"Well people who come here in the northern part are rare since wars frequently happen here. We know if a face is unfamiliar or not, and you two, I haven't seen you both before." The seller smiled. "Yesterday two people also came here and we don't know where they came from."

The two who was about to walk away halted.

"Can you specify more about the two?" Namjoon immediately asked the seller.

The seller who just received a large sum of money was more than happy to give information.

"They actually went to buy food at the same one you bought from. From what I heard the girl was called Yin but she introduced herself as Y/n-"

"What?" Jungkook suddenly said. "With a boy?"

"Hey-" Namjoon immediately held his shoulders.

"Yes." The seller nodded. "I believe they checked in a nearby brothel just across that road."


For a moment, the seller swear that she saw a dark mist around him.

☽. ° • ༆ ❦ ༆ • °.☾

Inside the room was a panicking Tae.

"I'm really alright." Y/n deadpanned.

"You aren't." Taehyung retaliated.

"Taehyung, fever isn't fatal." Y/n mumbled under the wet cloth that's on top of her face. "I'll heal in two to three days so don't worry." She adds.

"Do you want any food? I'll buy food." He rushed to her side, squeezing her hand.

"A soup would do." Y/n smiled. Her voice was also hoarse.

"Alright I'll come back quic-"


The two flinched.


Y/n pinched the wet cloth and removed it from her face, staring at the door.

"Is there a commotion outside?" She asks and sat up.

"I'll go check, stay here." Taehyung said and went to open the door.

Y/n is sick so he must protect her at all cost.

Just when he was about to touch the door, it was flung open by someone from the outside.

The culprit crashed into Taehyung and made them both fall down.

A groan was heard.

On top of Taehyung was a man, almost equal to his size, probably heavier a little.

With the view in front of Y/n, she then gasped.

Jungkook, of course, know that sound by heart. He immediately raised his head to look at her.

Then his pupil shrinked.

A sweating Y/n.

A young virile man.

Both in a room of a brothel.

Taehyung breathed deeply under the man who's on top of him.

Damn, he's heavy.

"Hey um.." he pats the man who's pinning him down. "Are we about to kiss right now?"

☽. ° • ༆ ❦ ༆ • °.☾


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