Rhododendron - Beware

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The Rhododendron flower can hold a multitude of meanings.
For this story particular story, it is to Beware

Rosé's POV

Lisa, Jisoo unnie, and I were at the café waiting for Jennie's arrival when she texted Jisoo unnie. By the look on her face, the text seemed serious but the way she explained it to us was nowhere near the expression on her face.

I didn't want to ask about it since this was supposed to be our break from all our responsibilities and workload. I'll just ask Jennie later.

I got a text from Jennie not a moment after we started up a new topic of conversation. Her text message confused me. It was short. There was no explanation in the text message like I thought there would be.

I left the message on read and turned off my phone. "Something wrong, Rosé?" Lisa looked at me with a tilted head.

"Uhm.. Jisoo unnie what did.. Jennie tell you?"

"Just that she couldn't make it.. why? What did she say." Her tone changed along with her confused face.

I was confused with the sudden change in tones but I opened up my messages and showed her. Lisa had leaned to the side to see the text as well and she looked as confused as I did when I first read the message.

"That's not very Jennie of her. Especially to you. Should- shouldn't this be at least a sentence or two??" Lisa leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest.

"That's why I'm asking what she told Jisoo unnie." We looked towards Jisoo unnie expecting an answer but was still staring down at the message.

"Jisoo? Jisoo. Jisoo!" Lisa reached for Jisoo unnie and she looked to have snapped out of her thoughts.

"Yes? What were we talking about?"

"Jennie. What did she text you?"

"The uhm same thing she texted you. I was wondering why the text was so short."

I glanced at Lisa. "Are you sure unnie?"

She handed me her phone, "Yes. See for yourself."

She was right. Jennie's message to Jisoo unnie was identical. [What's keeping you, Jen]

We decided not to think too much into it and continued with the get together. And hour or two had already passed, so we decided to call it a day and all head home.

I waved goodbye to Jisoo unnie and Lisa and drove off. While I drove home, I still couldn't shake off the short text that Jennie sent me earlier. It was way too out of character for her to send both of us a short written text with no further explanation unless Jennie had sent Jisoo unnie another text on another app.

Instead of continuing the route to my apartment, I took a u-turn at the upcoming stop light and head for Jennie's house.

My heart was pounding through my chest demanding to jump out with how nervous I was. I tried to think about reasonable explanations as to why she couldn't go or couldn't explain anything through text but my mind just kept turning every reasonable thought into a doubt.

I got to her place and parked my car across from her driveway. Her car wasn't in her driveway, yet so I tried to think of other reasonable reasons as to why she wouldn't be back home when it was nearing sundown.

After a few minutes, I had convinced myself that she was just with her dad and was suddenly called in by him. Their talk took longer than expected so that was why she  wasn't home and hasn't told me that she got home.

"Alright. Yes. That is definitely why...." My heart beat sped up.

Jennie's car was driving into the driveway with another car tailing it. [She's home!] My mind decided that the other car must be her parents. A smiled formed on my lips as my heart started to slow.

My phone vibrated and I pulled it out to see that Jisoo unnie texted me. I texted her back and briefly looked up after finishing the reply quickly so I could drive off.

My heart dropped. My smiled faded as I saw Jennie walking towards her house with another girls arms around hers.

My mind was starting to fill up with upsetting thoughts. I shook my head and decided to give my girlfriend the benefit of the doubt. I nodded my head and started up the engine reciting a mantra as I did so.

"She's just doing that to please her dad. She's only doing that to please her dad. She's only doing that to please her dad." I glanced at the closed door before driving off.

My words started to fade as did my trust towards Jennie. "She's just doing.. that to please... her dad...."

I drove off before my heart ached more than it already had. I shook my head and repeated the mantra over and over, trying not to let any doubts flow through my thoughts.

"She's my girlfriend and she wouldn't do anything like that. She loves me and would tell me if she.. didn't anymore, like we
... agreed on."

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts from all the doubts that were seeping in. "Nope. Nope. Part of a relationship is trust and that is what I need to do right now. Trust in MY partner."

I nodded my head and continued the drive to my apartment. Once I had parked my car, my phone vibrated. I turned off the engine and picked up my phone from the passenger seat.

It was a text from Jennie.

My Wifey - I just got home, my hubby. My dad decided that it would be nice to see the house, so him and mom are here, now.
I can't stay on my phone for too long cuz they brought someone with them and now I have to help entertain. I gtg.
I love you!! Sweet dreams, Rosie ( ˘ ³˘)♥

A smile tugged at my lips as I read her message. "Yup. She wouldn't."

I replied back with my own little paragraph and an 'I love you' at the end. With the smile on my face, I pocketed my phone back into the purse I had brought and stepped out of my car.

There were still some doubts in my mind about what she had said and what I had seen, but I set it aside for tomorrow. I'd just ask her about it the next day like I usually do.

A/N: Heeeelloooooo
A little self-convincing moment there to calm her nerves down ya know :D

Well, I hope you guys liked the first chapter and this chapter as well!

I already had the plot line planned out for this story but its hard coming up with all the scenarios to make the plot line actually work so I am really sorry for the long wait!!

Anyway, I must take my leave :P
Until next chapter, dear readersヽ(。ゝω·。)ノ

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