Candytuft - Indifference

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The Candytuft, the symbolic meaning of stoic beauty and sweetness. A gift from one to another, it would be the symbol of joy.
Although, this flower also denotes that of Indifference

Rosé's POV

It was silent in the car.

"You knew didn't you, unnie."

She didn't say anything. Her sigh already told me what I needed.

It was silent again. "I'm sorry, Chae. I- I just wanted her to-"

"Be the one to tell me. I know. I was waiting for her to clear it up." She sighed again.

"Do you want me to tell you?" She glanced at me.

"Would it make a difference? She's having an affair with me when she was already with someone."

I hear a chuckle from her. I turned my head. "What's so funny?"

"Well, you're kind of not wrong if you think about it like that. Then, that would mean that the person she was with was also having an affair."

Now I'm confused. "What?"

She just laughed again. She asked me to call someone and they set up a meeting at a café that Jisoo unnie made sure that Jennie didn't know about. When we got there, there were two people seated at the table Jisoo unnie lead me to. The girl I saw with Jen and a taller brunette.

Jisoo unnie introduced me to them. The tall brunette was named Jeongyeon and the other was Nayeon. They were girlfriends which surprised me. That was when they started telling me about the situation.

I finally understood.

Why she hadn't introduced me to her parents yet while my parents met her after our 2nd anniversary and loved her so much, basically calling her their daughter already. It just hurts to realize that she didn't trust me enough to stay.

She didn't trust.. us.

The couple bid us goodbye after a comfortable conversation. Jisoo unnie didn't want to take up too much of their time anymore since they were on one of their date nights. I felt the same and reassured them when they felt bad about leaving already. We exchanged numbers before they left and now it's just me and Jisoo unnie.

I sighed as I rested my chin on the palm of my hands with my elbow propped up on the table.

"So, what do you think?"

"Mmmm. I don't know."

"Well, I already texted Jen to back off for today so.."

I gave her a smile, "thank you unnie."

We stayed there for a few more minutes until we finally left. Jisoo unnie was willing to take me to her house for the night in case Jen was waiting at mine but I declined her invite. If Jen was there then the more I need to be there.


She dropped me off and bid me a goodbye with a flying kiss.

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