Columbine - Fool

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A/N: Just a little back story, Jennie and Rosé met in Jennie's Junior year and Rosé's Sophomore Year and now it is time skipped to Jennie's last year in UNI!
Hope you guys enjoy and stay for this story to see where it leads!!!

The Columbine flower can hold many different meanings for many.
For this story, it is the sign of the Fool

Jennie's POV
I woke up on the couch, surrounded by the countless paperwork I had to study up on for UNI and for the company. My dad wanted me to study up on the company trades and whatnot so I'd be prepared for when I take over the company after I graduate.

I rubbed my sleepy eyes, turned off my phones alarm and sighed. I stretched my sore body, and started my study session again. After a few minutes into it, my phone vibrates on the coffee table. I look towards it and decide to pick it up. I smiled and dropped my pencil immediately. It was a message from Rosé.

I decided that it wouldn't hurt to take a little brain break and chat with my love. She was studying at the rival UNI a few miles away, not that it mattered since I was still able to see her more than I thought I would.

She was chatting to me about her day when my dad suddenly called. I sighed but reluctantly answered the call after mentioning it to Rosé. Either way, he wasn't going to stop calling me if I ignored it.

"Hey, dad. What is it?"

"Oh sounds like I interrupted something. Do you want me to call back?"

"Ah. No no. Right now is uh fine. What is it?"

"Who's Roseanne Park ?"

My heart skipped a beat. The only person who knew about Rosé in my family was my mom. It isn't that my dad would be opposed to me dating someone of the same gender it's that he had already picked someone out for me a long time ago, before I was even born.

Some agreement between his best friend or something like that. I didn't mind the idea at first but once Rosé came into the picture, I absolutely loathed the idea.

"Uhm... just a friend. W-hy do you ask?" I was fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. I really hoped my nervousness wasn't too noticeable.

"Hm. Really?" He sounded unconvinced.

I clicked the mute button and composed myself. After a few seconds, I unmuted the call and with a more composed voice replied, "Yes dad. She is. Is there a reason why you brought up her name?"

"Hm. Yes. Since you are of age and the deadline has well passed, Mr. Yoo and I decided that it's about time you and his daughter get married as per the agreement." His voice was stern with a certain finality.

"What?! Isn't it too soon?" My brows furrowed. [This is bad. Did I really miss the due date?]

I quickly got off the couch and walked to the calendar. I frantically looked through all of the days and there it was in BOLD red marker mocking me.

"Jen? Jen! JEN."

I snapped out of it and answered him. "Y-es dad. I'm still here."

"Jen, We have postponed this affair long enough. I had already given you until December and it is already the end of January. I knew that you'd forget so I gave you 2 weeks more to tell me. Mr. Yoo and I have given both of you enough time to find a suitable person for yourselves and only one of you have." His tone left no room for arguments but I still pressed on.

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