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She was a savage, a fucking brute. Unafraid to fight for what she wanted, brave enough to go to war for what she deserved
~ r.h Sin


"Not if I break off the psychological link. Not if I become a champion."

Master Fu gasped. A champion had only emerged from a villain once before in the past. It was extremely rare. Could Marinette do it? He had to have faith in her. She was one of the best miraculous holders he'd ever seen. If anyone could do it, it was her.

A white light enveloped her, blinding everyone in the room. They shielded their eyes with their arms.

When the white light finally faded she was no longer just Marinette, just Princess Justice: she was a champion.


"This cannot be happening. This can't be my life! I'm Lila Rossi. Ambassador's daughter, HawkMoth's favourite civilian and Gabriel's muse. These pests think they can bully me? I won't have it. I'll tear them all down. I'll ruin them!"

"That sounds completely unrealistic but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt," Marinette said standing in the doorway of the restroom.

"What do you want?" Lila sneered.

"Just checking in on you. We wouldn't want your lying disease to act up again, now would we?" Marinette taunted her.

"What lying disease?" Lila asked.

"You don't know? Must be your short term memory loss. Unless you lied about that too. That's quite a paradox you've created. How will we ever know if you're telling the truth? How will we know if you lie about lying?" Marinette took slow, dramatic steps towards Lila. When they were close enough Marinette pushed Lila onto the wall and cornered her. "Listen up bitch. You've lost all your friends including Adrien. He's mine now. You have nothing. So leave. Leave the school. No one wants you here. And you are going to rot in jail once there's significant proof of your alliance with HawkMoth. And I'll ensure your mother waives your diplomatic immunity."


"But what?" Marinette mocked, "that's what I thought"


"Catalyst. What shall we do now? We've lost Princess Justice." ScarletMoth growled.

"Our akumas are all in their areas wreaking havoc. She's called Princess Justice for a reason. She's going to try and defeat them. And she'll have a whole team too, courtesy of the miracle box. There's nothing we can do!"

"Are you suggesting we give up?" ScarletMoth.

"Never! But Ladybug and Chat Noir haven't even been spotted. I have a sneaking suspicion that they aren't going to show up. It would be a smart move for them to only bring out temporary heroes,"

"So we bring the fight to them?" ScarletMoth grinned.

"We let them bring out their temporary heroes. Then you find Ladybug and Chat Noir. They won't have backup!" Catalyst exclaimed.

"Wonderful, Nathalie. I'll tell our akumatised victims to be wary. The war begins soon."


"We're at war now." Master Fu said handing Princess Justice the miracle box.

Princess Justice now wore a white ball gown to signify pureness. She had small angel wings on her back and her hammer was now white too. Her hair was worn in two low buns with a flower crown resting on top of her head. And her hammer was the same but white.

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