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Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak
~ Sun Tzu


"Markov, set up the security measures. No one goes in our out of this building until the butterfly and peacock miraculous are back in the box," Ladybug ordered, "HawkMoth probably knows we're here so we lose the element of surprise. I bet he's got a sentimonster waiting and he probably has Lila as Volpina-"

"Umm. No. He tried to akumatise me but umm.. I'm right here. I told him, no though. I want to change. And I have Marinette to thank for that. Even when she was akumatised she still did good. She showed me the error in my ways. And I hope it's not too late. I want to apologise Ladybug. For what I've put you through. And I want to apologise to those of you in this room, you heroes, who I'm assuming are my classmates. Except for you 3 (she pointed at Viperion, Ryuko and Capra) I have no idea who you are. But I've probably done something to you in the past too. So I'm sorry. I mean it. You don't have to believe me, I wouldn't either. And I'm not asking you to forgive or forget. But I want you to know. That I truly am sorry. And I truly am going to make an effort to change. I don't want to be the antagonist anymore. I'm not fit for the role of bad guy. I don't want to hurt anyone ever again. So I'm sorry. And if you see Marinette tell her I'm sorry too, out of everyone she deserves my apology the most," Lila was on the verge of tears, but she didn't want them to think she was crying for sympathy so she held them back.

Ladybug boinked her yo-yo on Lila's head. "Sorry, just had to check it wasn't an illusion,"

Lila nodded in understanding, "Well, I guess I'll be on my way now."


"Ah, Ladybug I was wondering when you'd show up," HawkMoth grinned. The heroes had entered his lair, courtesy of Pegasus' Voyage.

"Isn't this the part where you say some Villain monologue or something? About your sad backstory and then you try to justify your evil actions?" Chat Noir snapped.

"Well if you must know. I want bring back my Wife. I want my family to be whole again. My son hasn't had the best life and I'll admit I haven't been the best father ("No shit" Nino murmured) A mother is what he needs. And I can't be that. ("No SHIT!" Nino growled) I'm doing this for him."

"Who do you think you're bullshitting? You're doing it for yourself and only you. You're being selfish. Did your son ever once ask you 'Hey dad could you put everyone in Paris in danger for the sake of one person?' You say this is for him but really this is for nobody but you, admit it!" Chat Noir yelled.

"Yes! This is for me! I want my family to be whole again so yes this is for me!" HawkMoth growled.

"That's all I needed to hear," Chat Noir said.

"Where's Mayura?" Ladybug asked.

"Busy making you a present. A gift to show our gratitude for handing over your Miraculi," HawkMoth smiled slyly.

"Ever so confident? You're outnumbered." Ladybug said.

"Yeah by a bunch of 15 year olds. I'm really scared," HawkMoth mocked.

Then Mayura entered the room. Of course, she wasn't alone. Trailing behind her was Ladybug? No, antibug? Sentibug?

"A Heroes day reboot wouldn't be complete... without me," A girl with raven hair tied into pigtails and an inverted version of Ladybug's suit spoke, "Hi, my names MissFortune"


"Bassett Hound, Petit Souris, Pink Porcelet, Ryuko, Rena Rouge you guys go after Mayura. Me, Viperion, King Monkey, Capra, Mighty Bull we'll take MissFortune. Chat Noir, Carapace, Red Gallus, Tigeress, Queen Bee, Pegasus go after HawkMoth. Bunnyx you stay on the sidelines. Anything drastic happens and you use your Burrow. Understood?"

Everyone nodded.

Meanwhile HawkMoth was enhancing MissFortune's power with an akuma he'd planned to use for Lila. Either way the akuma was being put to use, potaeto potahto! Nothing mattered as long as he got his Miraculi in the end.


The sun had just set and the sky was a dark blue that rivalled Marinette's hair. The stars twinkled in the sky and the moon's light shone into the lair.

"HawkMoth, Mayura or rather Gabriel, Nathalie" Ladybug addressed them, "Mark my words: I will destroy you in the most beautiful, satisfactory way possible. And when I'm done with you, you will finally understand why storms are named after people."

"That was really heartfelt. You almost convinced me. Key word: almost. I only see myself leaving this battle one way: victorious." HawkMoth smirked. "You may have defeated my other akumatised villains, but sometimes we need to lose the small battles in order to win the war,"

"You sound sure of yourself, and that's going to make taking your down all the more entertaining," Viperion said clicking his second chance bracelet.

"I'm going to show you that I can be as elusive as the wind, as smooth as the water and as dangerous as a the fire!" Ryuko yelled brandishing her sword.

"You messed up my hair and my manicure. You won't receive any mercy from me!" Chloe sneered taking her topper off of her waist.

"I'm going to show you that I'm as strong as stone." Mighty Bull said cracking his lasso.

"I'm not scared of you anymore HawkMoth nor you Mayura. I'm not the same scaredy cat I was when you made me horrificator." Petit Souris said unwrapping her skipping rope.

"You took advantage of my negative emotions and turned me into a fool with wings? I got teased by Alix for weeks! For that alone you will pay," King Monkey said. Alix snickered whilst the others face palmed.

Rena Rouge spoke next, "I'm going to enjoy every moment in defeating you butterfly boy" Twirling her flute between her fingers.

"I second that" Carapace said taking his shield off his back.

Capra spoke, "You are despicable! Its time the horror the citizens of Paris face comes to an end!" Wielding his bow and arrow.

"We've all had enough of you HawkMoth." Red Gallus said picking up his javelin. Cheers of agreement sounded around the room.

Bassett Hound pulled out her flying disc and spoke "You won't enslave the Parisians to do your bidding any longer!"

"Yeah!" The room chorused.

"It's about time you retired," Pink Porcelet said holding up her bat.


"You can't hurt us anymore. You can't harm Paris anymore!" Tigeress said angling her spear towards him.


"We're going to take your miraculi back to where they belong!" Pegasus said.

"Yeah!" They raised their fists in the air.

"You can suck my dick!" Bunnyx yelled proudly opening her umbrella.

They went silent apart from Alya yelling, "Period Sis!"

"You've been a shitty father, a shitty designer, a shitty Parisian and a shitty person in general. You asshat. Maybe you could design a prison uniform for you to wear when you get there, though I don't purrticularly think orange is your colour." Chat Noir smirked.

Ladybug plucked her yoyo off her waist and began spinning it, taking slow steps to the middle of the room and smiled triumphantly, "Welcome to your doomsday, HawkMoth!"

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