Chap 1 - Jackie Elizabeth Louise

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Jackie is an average 17 y/o girl, she does'nt have many friend.

She's actually quite different than the other girls.  she does'nt wear makeup,

She does not wear revealing clothes,  she's quiet but friendly.

She's different, she's just Jackie.

she just got her heart broken by a guy named Ben.  unfortunately Ben happens to be her childhood friend and crush. but Jackie's family moved to another city when she was 10 y/o, that's why they grew apart.

After 6 years they moved back and Jackie saw Ben again but this time thing are different .

Ben had changed from sweet and loving to a complete stranger to Jackie.

His favorite song changed

His more mature

His personality changed ( well atleast his still funny )

But most of all our friendship changed.  he was always distant from me.

He knows I like him but even before he found out he was already distant.

I dont know him anymore.  everything I know about him is gone. its no longer the same.

he doesnt even talk to me anymore.  I tried to talk him but he'll just ignore me.

He doesnt even look at me. he always pull his eyes away from me.

Atleast he's the only one that changed and some of my other friends are still the same.

But still, it hurts to see him like that.  I never wanna feel this pain again.

sorry short chapter but the next would be long and exciting =)

comment and vote bye bye bye

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