Chap 4 - Same schedule! oh boy

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Hey guys! here's Chap 4

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I entered the room to my next class and noticed that the teacher was'nt there yet. so i found my way to an empty table and sat down, put my earphones on and watched as one by one students fill the room. I recognized some of them and realized that they we're some of my classmates back then. I dont think they still remember me.


a lot of things changed here. so many familiar and unfamiliar faces around here. i shut my eyes for a minute and just listened to my song.

" dont you fight it girl, it's only natural. can't disguise what's in your eyes they say too much. dont denie that when we touch, it's physical! let it be, you and me, Don't fight it baby"

I was busy listening to my favorite song, that I had'nt notice someone already took the seat beside me. i took my earphones off and opened my eyes to see who it is, my heart skipped a beat. it was'nt supposed to, cu'z the person beside was'nt someone i knew.

Expectations: oh my gosh! maybe it's Luke! sitting beside me lol!  xD

Reality: No. it's not him. just some guy i dont know.  but still................LOL

 i looked at him and took in his features. he was alittle taller than me, tan skin, skinny, cute, shy and nervious. he was taking few glances at me from the corner of his eyes. Dang he's too shy, making an awkward silence between us.

After a few minutes, a teacher walked in. "Class may I have your attention please. I'm sorry to say that your science teacher, Mr. Reynolds is sick today and wont be showing up. I am Ms. Rose and I will be your substitute teacher. But......................." she gave us a big grin. " Because it is the first day of school, i wont be teaching and you can do whatever you want for this period. just be quiet and nobody leave's the room, making out children" she giggled and left.

Well............. that was weird. some of the students started talking, texting, talking on their  phones, sleeping on the table. I glanced at the guy beside and sighed, he's still making me feel awkward.

i looked away and after a few seconds, he faced me. " Hi I'm Nicholas Korvin, or you can just call me Nick" he said smiling. i faced him and reached my hand out " I'm Jackie Louis " he shoke my hand and stared at me awkwardly.

" What's wrong?" I asked smiling a little.

" um... nothing" he said looking at his hands on the table. "does'nt look like nothing to me" i said concern. he smiled " I'm fine, it's just... the place is new to me " he said looking at me again. that's when I notice the bruise on his cheek. " What happened to your cheek" he quickly looked away. "nothing. it's fine".

" Who did that to you" he did'nt reply " tell me please. i can help"

he looked at me and sighed." It was this morning when some guy pushed me against a locker and told his buddies that I was the new nerd in school "

" But you dont look like a nerd" I said

" it's because of my shyness and awkwardness that made me a part of the nerd list" he said tapping his fingers on the table.

" Then he hit you" i said glaring at the bruise. " Yeah" he sighed " I have first period with him and i will recieve more later, tommorow or the day after. the guy seems to hate me alot. i never even laid an eye on him, he punched me for being weak that's all" he said.

"We'll change that" i said smiling at him. " how?" he said looking at me.

"I'll get my schedule changed and that means we'll have history together" i said grinning. he stared at me shocked. " even if you did had first period with me, he'll still bully me and plus your a girl, you'll get yourself in trouble" he said shaking his head.

"Are you underestimating me for being a girl?" i said narrowing my eyes at him.

"no no it's just that i dont want anybody to get hurt because of me"

"Awwwwwwwwwwww your worried about me" he just stared at me.

" Dont worry Nick. trust me" i said patting his hand. " ok " he said giving up.

I smiled sweetly at him and he did the same. then a guy entered the room and i froze.

*gasps* its him. IT'S LUKE! he's here and he's hotttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh shush! bad hormones bad!

i was staring when he looked at my direction and met my gaze, oh gosh! my face just turned red. he kept eye contact until he was seated behind Nick.

Oh boy. of all the empty seats you can choose, you had to choose that one.

Minutes passed and me and Nick got to know each other and instantly became Bff's. he's fun to take to, and he's sweet and caring. he told me that i was the 2nd nicest girl he had met other than his mom, who died of a sickness when he was 12. so it was just him and his dad, who was'nt always home because of work. i felt sorry for him. we we're close to being the same with the parents but, the only difference is, that my dad did'nt die of a sickness, he left us and went with some whore. Bastard

 It was just me and my mom now. but that's ok atleast we have each other.

The bell rang waking Luke up. he was asleep for 20mins. got sleepy of staring at me for too long huh? =P

Me and Nick rushed out of the room just as the other students did. " wait! i forgot my jacket. be right back" i said to Nick and rushed back to the room and bumped into someone's chest making us drop our things. "Ow! my face" i said rubbing my nose. " sorry about that " he chuckled. i looked up and saw it was Luke. " oh hi sorry for bumping into to you" i said blushing and looking away. " it's ok" he smiled at me. *swones*

I went to pick up my things and my shedule on the floor. " that's mine" he said. " what? this?" i asked looking at the schedule paper. i looked through it. wait, this is my class schedules. then as i get to the lower part of the paper, i saw Luke's name. " oh it is yours" i said handling it back to him. he gave me mine and smiles at me again. " bye see you later" he left while i go get my jacket.

Nick was waiting for me when i came out. he walked me to my next class. and as i enter, Luke was already there. i sat on the right side of the room and he sat on the left side totally staring at me making me blush through out the whole period.

ugh! and what's worse is, that i realized that we have the same freaking schedule. Crap! i would'nt be able to study well if he keeps on entertaining my thoughts.

I will deal with this problem later............


Hey everyone! so that's chapter 4

hope you all enjoyed reading it

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sorry if i made any mistakes.

bye bye bye

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