Chapter 1

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I've been babysitting a lot lately, almost everyday after school it seems. I deal with it because it gets me that much closer to leaving this hell hole. Sure, my families great, I've got some friends, and I'm doing decent in school, but i cant go through everyday like this anymore! Its getting boring and frustrating and I'm becoming anxious.

~2 Days Later~

*One New Message*

Michaela Styles-

Meet me and Cara my the audt. @8



I am so glad to get out of my music technology class. I can honestly say it is the most boring class I have ever taken. Luckily, I've done this before. I just have to ask to go to the nurse and write the pass in pencil! Ha! Easy. "May I go to the nurse?" Wow, am I good. I sound so innocent!

"Sure Gabby, just write a pass and I'll sign it," he said. I cannot believe how clueless he is! As soon as he signed it i left.

" Pst! Gabby!" i whip my head around ready for an axe murderer. Yes I know, I can be very dramatic sometimes.

"Oh my gosh! You scared the crap out of me Cara!" i screeched in a wisper-like voice. "Hey Mich! So what did you call me ou of that horrid class for?"

"Well cara and I have to take pictures for class and I figured I would save you from a slow death of boredom and we could take pictures for our album!" Exlclaimed Michaela.

"Yeah, we are going to have to make that album eventually," I said as we burst out laughing. We do that alot, Mich and I, we just laugh whenever we're together.

~After School~

As I waited for Michaela outside my chemistry class, A friend from maths was talking to my but i was completely zoned out, imagining how my trip to New Yourk would go on saturday.

"Bye Gabby!" she said, as I snapped back into it. I guess she had to go catch the bus. "See you," I quickly responded .


It was deffinetly Mich screaming my name down the halls. I was right; there she was stumbling forward. She's coming to New York with me this weekend, and neither of us could wait. We had already decided we would pretty much spend the entire day in One Direction World.

"I absolutley cannot wait for this weekend!" she screams at me.

"Me neither! I heard they have kareoke!"

"No. Way. We need to live their!"

"Hahahaha, no! What about London?" I joke.

"Oh right... deffinetly London."

Hey everyone! So I wrote this and was gunna add more, but decided to put this up for now. Thanks:) and shoutout to @mickymymick for an attempted help! Haha, love you all! (even though i don't think anyones reading this;)

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