Chapter 3

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*One New Message*

From: Michaela Styles

Can't waaaiiit!!!!!

To: Michaela Styles

Me either! I can't believe it! We've been waiting for this moment for YEARS!

From: Michaela Styles

I know! This is amazing! London, you better watch out :)

To: Michaela Styles

Okayyyy hahahaa! Well, I'll see you on the other side!

From: Michaela Styles

Goodbye my friend! See you at the airport!

Ok there is only one person before me in the alphabet in our class. I'll be the second student to walk across the stage. I am such a klutz! I'm going to fall. Oh my gosh everyone will laugh at me!

"Gabrielle Aldinger" Oh gosh, I hate my name. 'Gabrielle' is just so... Bleh. Oh my gosh! They said my name!

'Ok, come on Gabby. You've got this! Right, left, right, left.'

"Congratulations Gabby," said Mrs. Buzin. She was my Honors Chemistry teacher in 10th grade and is the one who helps put together most of the ceremony.

"Thank you," I squeeze in as I move off the stage. There are so many kids in our class that the whole thing is a blur. I don't even see Michaela get her diploma. But that doesn't matter because I'll see her later at the airport.

After everyone's names had been called and we all threw our hats up, I wormed my way through the crowd to find my family. My parents, sisters, and aunt all came for me.

We hugged and they congratulated me and we headed to the airport, but it was all a blur. I was thinking about my new life in London the entire time.

My dad helped me unload all my bags from the car as soon as we got there and I gave him my gown and cap. He promised to return them for me that week. I felt bad leaving them all, but they understood, for the most part, that it is what I've wanted to do for a long time.

As he took me to get my bags checked, I expected the "Be safe- We're always here for you," speech, but this time it was different. He was silent that whole time, and I turned around to face him only to find his eyes glazed over.

"Gabby, I'm going to miss you, and I'm not going to try and talk you into staying here longer like your mother, but just know that I want what's best for you," he said as a tear rolled down his face. "Make sure you stay safe, and know we all love you very much."

I can't look at him without starting to cry. "I love you too, Daddy," I manage to say between sobs.

"Just know that you will always have a home here." Now I can really see how much I'm breaking his heart, leaving them all. I just hug him tight, knowing that if I tried to say anything, I would only start crying more.

I grab my bags and head towards my gate, turning back and giving a slight smile of reassurance to my dad, just to try and convince him that I'll be alright without him.

Slowing the tears down as I walk to an empty seat was harder than I thought. I grabbed my iPod and listened to my 'Memories' playlist. The first song to come on is Your Song, the cover done by One Direction when they were on X Factor.

I sit and remember all the times I have had with my sisters. The thought of not seeing them every morning when I wake up literally makes me sick to my stomach. Realizing that I won't see my family for a year makes the tears pour down my cheeks faster. I won't be able to afford a plane ticket to visit for the holidays.

Suddenly, someone shakes my shoulders, interrupting my thoughts. Not roughly, but enough to get my attention. I turn to see a red eyed Michaela. I look at her for a second until I realize she feels the same way and we embrace each other in a hug, crying into each other's shoulders.

We both want so badly to stay for another night, but know that we would regret it if we did. If there was ever a time to start off with a clean slate in a new place with new people, it was college.

As soon as our plane is called to board, we grab our bags and head over. The sooner we get on the plane, the better.

The day flew by so quickly that i didn't realize it was already almost midnight.

We found our seats, Michaela getting the window seat and myself being in the center. Thank goodness no one else was in our row, we were so tired and I definetly did not feel like dealing with a cranky-old woman or loud-snoring man.

We were on a direct flight from Philadelphia to London and it would take 11 hours.

"Please turn off all cell phones and electronic devices during take-off. Thank you," said the flight attendent. Michaela was already turning her phone off as i grabbed my phone to update my Facebook status.

"Goodnight America, you've been wonderful."

And with that, Michaela and I fell asleep, preparing for our journey. Destination: London.


Happy New Year! Wish you all the best:)

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