Chapter 4

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Michaela's POV~

In this chair, which isn't all that comfortable, I a wait my name to be called. I'm sitting deeply in thought when the announcer calls my name. "Michael White" shes says. "Michaela White" in a louder tone. I look up distraught of how embarrassing it is that she said my name twice. I stand up and look out into the crowd of people.

Walking over to the person holding my diploma. She looked familiar but I had no idea who she was. I grasp it in my hands and stare at it, only for a second and walk back to my seat, realizing just how much my life is about to change.

*few hours later*

My family pulls up to the airport in our cubeular car and drops my mom and I off at the baggage claim, while they go find a place to park.

I walk in hands shaking, gosh I hate airports and planes. And on-top of that I am leaving my family for the rest of my life. A little over dramatic but for a really long time

As I give my bags to the baggage claim lady I turn around and notice my mom tearing up as she looks a me.

"Mom. What's wrong?" I ask in a sympathetic tone. "It's just I can't believe my little girl has grown up so fast and I am about to send her off to some unknown land to be on her own." She says

"Mom, I know it is tremendously hard to contemplate what is going to happen these next years as I make my transition to adulthood in a alien country, but I will thrive to succeed. I can promise you that." That's all I can say before I break down crying. My eyes fill with tears and my face gets puffy. My breathing gets all rattled and I can't stand.

My mom pulls me in and hugs me. " 'I know sweetie, I know you're going to be perfectly fine because you are mature and I trust you to thrive in your new school and make the right decisions.' 'You will be very successful and your dreams will come true depending on how much you want them.' 'And I know you want this so bad so go out there and give it your all!' 'Okay? Can you do that for me?' "

"Yeah mom I can I promise. I love you and I will miss you dad Russell and Matthew a tons." That is all I can say before I get bombarded with hugs from my whole family. Claustrophobia kicking in to high gear, but putting that aside I hug them all and cry. The announcer says my flight is now boarding and I say my final goodbyes and head into the gate. Tears still running down my face I spot gabby and shake her shoulder she turns around face flushed and eyes red. I pull her in for a hug knowing she having the same emotions that I intensely feel right now.

I chose the window seat because then I can keep the window closed when the plane is in the air since I have an ungodly fear of planes and heights. I'm glad gabby is there though because she keeps me occupied.

I turn my phone off because I don't want to die and cancel out any excess noise and leave my head to my thoughts. This 11 hour flight will be a long one and it gives me just enough time to go over what's going to happen when that plane lands at the London airport.

Destination London once a dream is now coming a reality.

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