Chapter 2

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Michaela's POV~

Hello michaela here! Yeah I am sitting here thinking to myself hmmm what am I going to do after I get out of high school. Being only a sophomore I have no concept of what I'm doing once I graduate. I currently have some ideas like going to NYU or to go to a culinary arts school but they are just blehh not really my true calling, you know what I'm saying?

I've always wanted to go to London even as fetus michaela, I dreamed of living in London.

Don't call me a weirdo but my dad and I used to talk in british accents all the time, we still do. haha my family is weird like that. just the other day my dad told me to talk in a british accent in place of our old voicemail for our home phone, its pretty amazing if i might say so myself. Imagine how many people call and hear that amazing voicemail, they must be thinking wow I wish I had a voicemail as amazing as that. My dads boss even has a British accent too! Which is pretty cool not gonna lie.

The matter of the fact is that even though I've never actually been to London it would be quite an experience to have the opportunity and live there. Suck in all the culture differences and possibly attend one of the highest ranked colleges in the world with my best friend gibby(gabby btws, it's her nickname). Renting a flat once we earn enough money to last us about a year just to get started.

I don't have a job yet which is a bummer, but Gibbs does and I'm working on getting one. Calling places, walking in like a weirdo asking what age they hire and what not. With my peculiar cheer schedule though, getting a job with flexible hours is surprisingly difficult.

However, I am determined and open minded to all kinds of obstacles I may have to surpass, it's life you just have to deal with it. If life was easy than why bother trying right?

Any-who back to out master plan of DESTINATION LONDON. This plan consists of...... well gabby already explained it and I really don't want to get into too much detail but I hope with all my heart that I will be able to acquire enough money to be able to live in London and attend college there. It's quite a substantial dream but hey, dreamers are the necessary piece of the puzzle in this world. If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up. And that's exactly what I'm going to do! Wake up, smell the roses and achieve the unachievable. As the great Rosalia de Castro said "I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it." These words are words of inspiration. These words will motivate us to accomplish our dreams and live our lives to the fullest.



Hey everyone! So Michaela Wrote this part, I think we'll co-write it now:) Maybe she can do parts from her POV and i'll do mine??? Heh? Watdya say mich? Haha Thanks everyone! Don't know where you're all coming from but there are 19 readers now! And 2 votes! You guys warm my heart:') Thank you lovelys xx

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