Chaos - Akira Kunimi 🌙 PT.2 (final)

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Chaos (n)
Meaning - A state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order.

"Feeling any better?" Akira questions sweetly as the torches on our phones act as light saving us from the humid darkness "as good as can be I guess" the pain in your chest slowly fading from saving your breath but still squeezing you like a vice "how long has it been?" You ask into the open trying to focus on anything else "about 6 maybe 7 hours" he whispers as we listen to the sounds of crickets chirping.

"Want to know something?" You ask him looking up at his face his fair skin illuminated by the moon as he runs his hands through your hair "depends... is it good or bad?" Eyes reading yours "Its good" as his face relaxes "Okay...hit me with it".

"When I was a little girl about 5 or 6 me and my dad decided to go away on a camping trip to celebrate his birthday. I hated the idea at first I kept telling him it was a 'boy thing' and very unlady like" as Akira laughs "you lady like?" His rhetorical question earing him a smack on the arm.

"Anyway when we got their my dad was setting up the tent and out the corner of my eye I saw what I believed to be a dog at the time so I chased after it and managed to get myself lost" his silence a sign to keep going.

"I was missing from 7 o'clock that evening until 6 in the morning the next day and to make sure I knew where I was going I left my initials in the tree" as you look in front of you and his eyes follow "is that?" His mouth dropping as you hummed in agreement "yep! I have been here before" the initials Y/N L/N written on the tree.

"Our moment was short lived as we heard shouting in the distance "KUNIMI! , Y/N!" the familiar voices of none other than your brother and Oikawa shouting into the distance "OVER HERE!" kunimi shouts shifting you off his lap gently and placing you against the tree he was leaning on a mere seconds ago "wait here" he whispers and running off to the sound of their voices.

You close your eyes and listen to the sounds the crickets chirping, hot muggy breeze blowing the tree leaves as the sweet chaos around you lulls you into a lullaby.

𝑀𝓇𝓈. 𝑀𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝓈𝑜𝓃𝑔 🌙 𝐻𝒶𝒾𝓀𝓎𝓊𝓊 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝓋𝑜𝓁.𝟥Where stories live. Discover now