Parastin - Atsumu Miya 🌙 PT.3 (Final)

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Parastin (V)
Meaning: protect (keep safe)


Atsumu P.O.V

"See you guys!" Suna shouts one arm wrapped protectively around his sister as they both make their way home "so what's out plan of action?" Aran questions from beside me "simple...we find the bastard's that did this and have a nice "gentle" chat" fists curled up ready to start a fight as I wait for the dawn of tomorrow.


"That concludes classes for today everyone, Remember that your essays are due tomorrow! Get home safe" the sound of the bell ringing as you slowly stand up from your chair, legs still recovering from last nights ordeal "Hey small bean!" The familiar voice of none other than your brother standing by the door as he makes his way into your class "what are you doing here?" You question suspiciously looking up at his stern gaze.

"I was just passing by and thought I would accompany you to the gym" his smile clearly that of a lie as a warm feeling fills your heart "thanks Nii-san it means a lot" as he takes your bag from you and slides it up his shoulder offering you his arm so you can take some of the weight of your leg. Your back shuddering as you feel "the" gaze from all 4 of them on you.

"Dont worry about them" his words encouraging as you relax a little.


"I don't mind pushing you?" Atsu chirps happily your body moving your head in denial "honestly ill wait here for you its bad enough I look like a mummy let alone being pushed around in a volleyball cart while you go for a run" the rest of the inarizkai team joining in with a laugh as he shrugs his shoulders "your loss" he chimes kissing youcwith passion "see you in a bit" the sea of hands waving at you as you return the favour.

10 minutes passed in complete silence the volleyball bouncing back of the wall into your hand "well well well....what do we have here" the familiar sound making a shiver crawl up your spine as your feet swivel to come face to face with none other than the guy from yesterday accompanied by some other guys.

"Your precious little dogs not with you today...oh wait thats right you wouldn't want a beaten up trash bag on your arm" your retort seeming to earn a tick from him "even after yesterday's beating you still run your mouth, Its cute really" his eyes looking you up and down like some sort of prize.

"Maybe you need to be "broken in" to really understand" all of them stepping closer to you as you feel your legs slowly moving backwards "please Tsumu" you whisper to yourself.

"YOU SICK BASTARD!" the words accompanied by a fist flying towards his face as the guy ends up flying sideways the tall figure grabbing him by the collar the mustard coloured hair clearly belonging to Atsumu "dont look"  is all you hear when you feel the familiar feeling of your brother suna wrapping his arms around you as you drown the sound with your tears.


Atsumu P.O.V

"YOU!...PIECE....OF....SHIT!" My words spoken in-between punches "Atsumu" that faint voice of my brother fading out my anger clouding my logical judgement "ATSUMU STOP! LISTEN TO HER!" My fist stopping in the air as I zone in on Y/N crying my head turing to see her wrapped in her brothers arm his chest blocking the view.

"Listen here you bastard. If you put one more hand on her i swear to you right now no amount of people is going to stop me from curling you up, got it?" As I grab him by his collar and throw him into his cronies.

"Anyone else wanna go huh!" All of them shaking their heads "now scram and tell your little slags that if they even so much as approach her I will not hesitate to make sure they get punished" all of then scrambling from the gym.

End of P.O.V


Your sobs slowly started to turn into sniffles as you felt the tightness of your brother leave a hand resting under your chin and forcing you to look up at them "it's over now babe, I promise" his lips landing on yours as you melt into the security of his big strong arms.

The feverish day finally coming to an end.

𝑀𝓇𝓈. 𝑀𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝓈𝑜𝓃𝑔 🌙 𝐻𝒶𝒾𝓀𝓎𝓊𝓊 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝓋𝑜𝓁.𝟥Where stories live. Discover now