Apaixonar- Bokuto koutaro 🌙 PT.2 (final)

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A young girl approaches you holding a pen and paper in her delicate hands. "excuse me miss?" She asks as you crouch down to her level. "Yes sweetie" you speak softly as to not scare her "can I ask you some questions?" As you nod at her checking your watch I've got some spare time to kill anyway when as if it was some perfectly constructed plan a loud bang is heard as the front doors fly open revealing an out of breath dual haired man you have developed feelings for.


"WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING HERE!" You shout in utter disbelief as you pinch yourself to make sure your not dreaming his body hunched over revealing his toned muscles and face coated in beads of sweat, legs trembling, exhaustion written all over his face.

"I...need...to...tell...you...something" long legs carrying him towards you the height difference making it feel like some corny romance movie his large pale hands enveloping yours in a bubble of softness "What is it?..." You hesitate as you realise that you don't even know his name "Bokuto... koutaro Bokuto" he smiles as your jaw drops THE ONE AND ONLY BOKUTO KOUTARO. HE LOOKS SO DIFFERENT!. Your face red as a lobster his smile beaming from ear to ear.

"This is going to sound really crazy but please hear me out... When I saw you in that coffee shop I felt my heart leap out of my chest, not literally but thats not the point. The way your hair fell to the side and the colour of your eyes simply made me go "wow...I want her" and personally approaching women isn't really a strong point of mine so when you forgot your purse it was like the universe was telling me it was meant to be".

"I know we only just met like 9 hours ago and I would be crazy to ask you to stay in Osaka, and as much as I hate to say it I want to be selfish and not let you go. Because I couldn't live with myself knowing that I let the best thing to ever happen to me in my life go...I love you Y/N" his words leaving you speechless the air around you getting tighter every passing second the words failing to leave your mouth.

"I over stepped the mark huh" he laughs nervously placing his hand on the back of his neck "I love you" you blurt back out squeezing his hands as he locks eyes with you "now I'm going to sound crazy but everything about you just makes me want to never leave and be by your side...forever" our bodies moving on instinct as our lips crash together the little audience we somehow gathered clapping around us "This so feels like some sort of cheesy movie" you laugh pulling out of the short but sweet kiss, our foreheads knocking together. Your arms around his neck as his hands snuggle themselves around your waist.

"Well cheesy romance movie or not...I am very proud of myself" he gloats as you laugh at his stupidity and you knew that this would not be the end of your endless laughter.





7 years later....

"SMACK IT DOWN!" , "DONT LET THAT STUPID GIANT GET IN YOUR WAY!" Your Husband screams at the top of his lungs from the seats as we watch our two boys play against Nekoma "calm down please..." You dont even get to finish as our daughter joins in with her daddies shouting "SQUISH THEM NII-SAN!" she cries throwing her hands in the air the stuffed owl she had from a baby clutched tightly.

Life was generous to the both of us. We got engaged shortly after you decided to stay in Japan and were married the following year which is when you found out you was pregnant with your daughter. Himori. At the ripe age of 5 she is certainly a handful, just like her father. When bokuto told me you he wanted to adopt two 15 year old boys who had been in the system most of their life you thought he was crazy given you had just had a baby but you knew that things happen and that fate brought those two boys to you. Tora was 6,1 with swept back black hair whilst his Twin brother Masaru was 6,0 and had silver hair with an undercut.

"Look a the two of them!" They are so embarrassed!" You cry with laughter both of the boys faces flushed to the max as the match draws to a close Fukurodani academy winning by 4 points. Koutaro sweeps up your daughter and places her on his shoulders as you all quickly rush down to go and greet them both.

"You both did so well my little stars!" As you grab both of them a crushing hug silencing them "Thanks mum" the unison crazy scary eyes meeting their dads "how did we do dad?" Masaru asks as Tora struggles to keep his heart in his chest "i couldn't be anymore prouder of you both" he smiles dragging them into a bone crushing hug your body slowly getting squished in between them all and for some unknown reason tears start to fall the worried face of all them greeting yours.

"Whats wrong love?", "Mummy?", "Mum...are you okay?" The questions making you cry more "Im just so happy that's all" as the world around you falls into place.

𝑀𝓇𝓈. 𝑀𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝓈𝑜𝓃𝑔 🌙 𝐻𝒶𝒾𝓀𝓎𝓊𝓊 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝓋𝑜𝓁.𝟥Where stories live. Discover now