A Not So Simple Plan

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We had just wrapped up another training session but John's house teemed with the vampires who were reluctant to leave. There was a sense of community here, not to mention a supply of free blood that Andrew Larsen had donated out of his reserves. Still, even that wouldn't last forever.

"Something's gotta to give," I said.

John swept a pile of empty blood bags from the table into the plastic garbage sack in his hand. "What do you mean?"

"If we continue what we're doing—meeting here in secret and practicing compulsion resistance—Mr. Abernathy will find out."

Our numbers had grown significantly in a short amount of time. I suspected there was at least one vampire in our midst who was more concerned about getting free blood than actually rallying to the cause of saving our town from becoming a feeding free-for-all.

"She's right," Hannah said, overhearing our conversation. "With Margaret and Josiah on his side, Conrad Abernathy has the power to retaliate quickly if he even suspects he's losing control of the vampires in his jurisdiction."

"Margaret could compel all of us," Olivia added, joining our group. "I speak from experience when I say you don't want that to happen. I still can't get the taste of waffles out of my mouth." She made a face and shuddered. "Empty carbs. Gross."

I recalled how easily Margaret had compelled Zach, and how completely unaware he'd been when it happened. What if she did the same to us, turning us into some brainless army with no knowledge of what we were doing or who we were hurting?

"Mr. Abernathy may have that power," I agreed. "But he's not completely reckless. He won't be so outwardly bold. At least not yet."

"He's walking a thin line," John said, picking up at once on my train of thought. "Whatever he's hoping to accomplish, he's doing it in secret. He can't afford to draw unwanted attention from the Regional. We have the advantage right now."

"Conrad Abernathy is most certainly operating under the assumption that others are ignorant of his motives," Andrew Larsen chimed in. "As Blake cautioned, however, he's bound to find out. I would bet sooner rather than later."

"He can't find out," Hannah said, her eyes scanning the room of vampires. "We're not ready. There are many here who are still too weak to resist even the most basic compulsion. They'll be easy prey."

"We have to work harder to get them ready," I said.

"And by we," Hannah said, "you mean me." Her mouth hardened, and I could tell she was thinking what an impossible task it was.

"Maybe I can buy us some time," I said.

Andrew's shrewd gaze met mine. "How?"

"Well, ever since Margaret took Zach, I've been thinking . . ."

"I'm skeptical already," Hannah muttered.

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Would you shut up already and listen to what she has to say without being a total snot?"

Hannah folded her arms over her chest. "You're ordering me to shut up?"

I opened my mouth to join the argument, but John grabbed my arm and squeezed, silently urging me to keep quiet.

"Ladies," Andrew cautioned. "This is neither the time nor the place." When Hannah and Olivia contented themselves with simply glaring at each other, Andrew gestured to me. "Go on, Blake."

I took a deep breath. "If I can convince Mr. Abernathy that I am truly aligned with his family, I think I can—"

"No way," John said immediately, cutting me off. "I don't like it. Think of something else."

Blood Stain: Book Three of the Blood Type Series (complete)Where stories live. Discover now