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"stop! in the name of love"

As soon as Cliff fixed the goddamn antenna, he helped Lucia off the roof and they were on their merry way

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As soon as Cliff fixed the goddamn antenna, he helped Lucia off the roof and they were on their merry way. Lucy was sorry to see the shirt be put on Cliff's back once more, but she consented. With Cliff having nothing else to do and Lucia off for the day, they decided to head to the theaters to catch a picture. The movie industry had fueled the two of them for as long as they could remember, and Lucia overheard a few waitresses saying that A Midsummer Night's Dream had just been released. Cliff didn't know much about Shakespeare, but to make her happy... he would sit through anything. Call him what you will.

They drove down the freeway towards town, music playing. It was just low enough that they could freely chat, but just loud enough that it complemented the atmosphere. Cliff had pulled back the middle seat so that the front was all one. Nothing separated them now, and Lucia found herself inching closer and closer to him without realizing. She had crossed one leg over the other and her arm was propped on the back of the seat. She faced Cliff fully. His eyes had trouble staying on the road as he drummed his fingers along the car door, and he was ever so thankful that his sunglasses hid the amount of times his gaze fell upon her.

"Okay, get this- I'm working one day, right? This must have been in... '59? Maybe '58. Anyway, I'm working on register during rush hour, so I'm not paying much attention to who's coming in. This man comes to the counter and I look up... it's Steve fucking McQueen!"

"You're jokin'..." Cliff grinned at her excitement. "Rick and I worked on a movie with him a few years back. Nice guy."

"I froze! I didn't know what the hell to do!" Lucia laughed, flattening her tussled hair that blew as they zipped down the highway. "Seeing actors like him, it all felt so glamorous. I always thought I'd come here and just... make it, you know? I thought it'd be so easy."

"Nothin's easy, baby."

"I used to wish it was," Lucia smiled, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Hell, sometimes I still do. You wouldn't have to deal with all the... bullshit life throws at you. But it forces you to learn, you know?"

Cliff beamed sweetly at her, "Well, shit. If I had you with me on all my drives, I'd be a changed man."

They had reached Hollywood Boulevard faster than they realized, getting lost in their conversation. Although Lucia had lived there for almost fifteen years, the sight never got old. The beautiful blossoming trees dropping their petals in the street, the signs lining the roads with words born from creators' minds... it felt so wondrous and unique. She always knew the town held something for her- something amazing. But as they slowed to a stop at a red light, she would be met with something sinister beneath its innocent surface.

Cliff had just cracked a joke that made Lucia laugh in delight. He grinned at her and let his arm fall across the seat behind her. His fingers brushed her bare shoulder, and it did not go unnoticed by her senses. She looked at him with wide eyes, an electric feeling from his warm fingers sending shivers down her spine. Just as she opened her mouth to say something, a young voice shouted from outside the car.

𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠, cliff boothWhere stories live. Discover now