Back in Black (2.2)

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I woke up in the morning from the chair when i had a crash "The Fucking hell?!"I yelled and then i got up "Oh my god,Rick.Are you okay?"I could hear mom ask and the kitchen lights turn on so i went in the kitchen.

"Robby what is wrong with you?"Mom asks "What's wrong with me?You haven't been here in days I thought someone broke in."He said and i thought I should've stayed asleep.

"Okay,Okay,Okay I'm Sorry."Mom responded with a pill bottle in her hand "I just came to grab a few things,um.cause rick is flying me to cabo."She said "Cabo-Adjacent."Rick said "Okay."She said

"Wait your going to mexico?"I asked "Uh-Huh."She said "With this guy?For how long?"Robby then asks "I mean we have rent to pay and we don't have."I said "Don't worry about that because,Rick your paying this month,right?"Mom asks

"I got you dudes."he said and then she grabbed a few more bottles "When are you coming back?"Robby asks "A few days."Mom said "um,Week and a half tops."Rick added on

"So you two have the whole place to yourselves.Don't party too hard.I'll call you tomorrow okay sweeties."she said before kissing mine and robby's foreheads "I love you guys."She said before leaving and Robby making a threat to the guy while i went got a water and took my medicine.

Anyway i got into some athletic clothes or in better words a blue nike t-shirt and black nike leggings and got a waterbottle before heading to the park because that was 6 am when that all happened so i decided to take a run around the park.

I was halfway done before i stopped and played with a dog i saw and then continued and finished got on my bike and rode to Miyagi-Do and i came there around the same time Sam arrived "Hey Sam."I said "Hey."She Replied before we started to walk in before she got a call from Aisha and she stopped i just went in.

"Why are you killing that poor thing?"I asked "I'm stressed."He said "If this is about mom-"I started before sam walked over "Look Miguel I-"She said before seeing Robby and i just was like.The Hell Happened between them.

"I can't talk right now.Can you just tell Aisha to call me back."She said before i said "Give me the phone."and then took it "Hi Miguel sorry your cutting out pshhh pshh." and then i hung up and gave her the phone back.

"I thought it was Aisha."she said "You can talk to whoever you want."He said. "Hey Guys."Mr.LaRusso said "All right perfect attendance on day one."He added on "So what's our first lesson?"Sam asked 

"You'll see follow me."He said and we did and he got a sand bag and cut it and made a circle of sand "If were gonna play in the sand can't we go to the beach?"Sam asked "If that does happen nobody should trust you two in a car alone."I said

"no not today."Mr.LaRusso said "It's been a long time since the dojo's had more than one student and you figure with three people you have triple the defense,right?"He asks and we all three nodded.

"Wrong.One of the cornerstones of Miyagi-Do karate is always moving in a circle."Mr.Larusso said "and with the wheel technique you'll soon see that three people can be as strong as 30."He added on "So are you ready?"He finished and asked

"Yes.Mr.LaRusso." "Let's Do this." "Yeah i'm ready."We all three said "All right get in the circle."Mr.LaRusso said and thats what we did and then we did the bowing 

and let the show begin

OKAY SO IT DIDN"T GO AS GREAT AS I THOUGHT IT WOULD We were all not on sync with eachother or in better words Me and Sam were in Sync Robby was not. "No,No,No,No you three have to perfectly in sync or this technique doesn't work."Mr.LaRusso said

"Technique?This feels more like a dance."Robby said "At what point do we do the hokey pokey and turn ourselves around."Sam said "Or try to do the dance of the sugar plum fair."I said "Okay,Guys Trust me you three master this,no one's gonna mess with you."Mr.LaRusso said

and then we did it again Sam messed up not on sync and then Robby asked "How are we supposed to do it at the same time when we can't see eachother?" GREAT JOB.

"You need to sense what your partners are doing.Even if you can't see them."Mr.LaRusso said "How Excatly are we supposed to do that?The Force?"Sam asked and then text idk.

"Shoot i gotta go help your mom out with something.Just Feel it i'll be back as soon as i can."Mr.LaRusso said before leaving "Why do i feel like a third wheel now?"I asked

and then we did it again and again until we got it into sync Yeah guess what we never got it.

Anyway yeah we got home nothing was really working so i got their early the next day and watch sam practice a few times before Robby came "Hey was the first spin clockwise or counter clockwise?"She asked "I don't remember what's the point even.How's a stupid dance supposed to save us in a fight."Robby said

"I don't know but the drama between the two of you is juicy."I said and then we went to the back Where Mr.LaRusso was in the pond or something taking out the bonsais

"Dad.Dad what are you doing?"Sam asked "Mr.Miyagi built this a few years before he died.He said it was a monument to balance but today it's not gonna balance bonsai's It's gonna help you three learn the wheel technique.Hop in"Mr.LaRusso said

"You actually want us to get in there?"Sam asked "Yeah."He said and i just mentally laughed and then we took off our shoes and sam her hoodie and got in i was last "Oh it's cold."Robby said "Come on it's not that bad."Mr.LaRusso said

and i got on the bottom side and "If we can't do it on the ground how are we supposed to do it on this?"I asked "On the ground,it's hard to sense when your partners are moving.On that deck trust me your gonna feel it right away."Mr.LaRusso said and then we started to get up there.

and we got up there We took our starting postions and it was very very slippery "First one to falls loses 4 bucks."I said and then we started and then Robby then sam and then I fell into the water.

"Okay that was a good start your finding your footing."Mr.LaRusso said "I don't feel like were finding anything."Robby said "Dad,when was the last time this thing was cleaned."Sam asked "I think a leaf got into my hair."I said "Okay guys get back up."Mr.LaRusso said and we did.

And then we were back "Use all your senses feel where you partners are."Mr.LaRusso said and i thought What were the others doing and after i figure out i was happy with what i was doing.

Then we started again and i think we did it good "Hey Slow down."Robby said "Yeah i felt that."Sam said "Thanks."Robby said and then we were off again AND WE DID IT.

I SAID IT MY HEAD SIRI PLAY DORA'S WE DID IT SONG anyway i decided to just enjoy the waterness (Is that a word) and go out and so i ride and saw The Weirdest Shit ever.MIGUEL AND HAWK COVERED IN CEMEINT i took a picture and then head home.

"Robby dude i messed up."I said "You told them?"He asked "I did!"I said as he was pouring him a bowl of cereal the apartment was a mess and then their was a knock at the door.Robby got it and it was Mr.LaRusso and so i walked up too and by the time i got up he asked "Is your mom home?" and robby looked to the ground and i looked to the ground and shook my head no.

and he offered us to stay at his place and I WANT TO SAY.


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