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Bryce's POV

I'm in my car on the way to Y/N's house. She called me and asked me to come over because she wasn't feeling good. We were supposed to hang out today so I don't mind going over if it helps her feel better.

On my way to Y/N's house, I stop to pick up a few things. I grab over the counter medicine, tissues in case she has a runny nose, a heating blanket, a few of her favorite snacks, and a few different drinks. I'm going to make sure she's very taken care of.

As I pull onto her street, my phone begins to ring. I put it on speaker and say, "bryce hall speaking."

"Bryce," Y/N says, coughing slightly. "Are you almost here?"

I smile and say, "Right down the street. I have a few things for you too."

Her voice is hoarse as she says, "Yay. Hurry up. I want to see you."

"Two minutes, Y/N," I say. "I'll be there soon."

The line goes dead and I sigh softly. I don't like seeing Y/N sick. If she's not feeling good then I want to make sure I'm there for her. She lives alone and her parents are almost across the country so I'm it for her. Well, me and the sway boys. We're her family.

The boys have been making sure my little secret doesn't get to Y/N either. I've had feelings for Y/N for months, and they're the only ones that know.

I finally pull up to Y/N's house and grab everything from my backseat as soon as I'm parked. Once everything is in my hands, I walk up to the front door and knock as loud as I can.

Your POV
You lay on the couch curled up under a fuzzy blanket. You were feeling sick last night and it got worse as soon as you woke up this morning. That's when you asked your best friend and longtime crush Bryce to come over and maybe help you feel better.

There's a knock on the front door and you get up, shivering with chills even in an swayla hoodie and black sweatpants. You open the door and see Bryce standing on your doorstep with a few bags and a blanket.

"You are the best human being ever," you say, almost brought to tears as soon as you realize what's in the bags.

Bryce smiles and says, "I gotta make sure my best friend is taken care of when she's sick. Can I come in?"

You nod and move aside so Bryce can walk in. He enters your house and you close the door. He sets the bags on the coffee table and you make your way under the fuzzy blanket again.

He throws the blanket he was carrying over you and it heats up. He brought a heated blanket to you.

You hum softly, finally warm after shivering all morning.

Bryce says, "I have different snacks and drinks. I also have over the counter fever medicine and painkillers in case you need them."

"You're literally my favorite person ever," you say, looking up at Bryce. "I probably look terrible right now and you haven't run off either."

He laughs and sits beside you on the couch. "You always look beautiful, even if you're sick and in a hoodie and sweats," he says.

Luckily your cheeks are already kind of red or he'd probably notice how flustered you're getting. You had no idea that he thought like that.

Bryce clears his throat and says, "Okay, so, what are we going to do? Watch a movie and eat snacks? Eat snacks and talk?"

You giggle and say, "I need to take some meds." You cough a bit. "My throat and head are killing me."

He grabs the bag and pulls out the medicine. He grabs a cup of water for you as you grab two painkillers and get the cold medicine poured in the little cup. Bryce comes back with the cup of water and says, "So, just a warning, the pain meds might make you a little loopy. I tried to find Advil or something but they didn't have any."

"Yay," you say, coughing.

Bryce takes the snacks out of the bag as you take your medicine. He looks over at you as you drink the cold medicine. You make a face and cough from the taste. "Ugh, that's disgusting," you groan. "I absolutely hate it."

He laughs and says, "It's what needs to happen so you feel better."

You move closer to Bryce and you say, "I already feel better now that you're here."

"Really?" he asks, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

Nodding, you say, "Yep." The loopiness of the painkillers starts to set in and you can't stop the next words that you say. "You're my best friend. Plus, I may have a teeny tiny crush on you so I always feel better when you're around me."

Bryce tenses up a little bit and you close your eyes, pulling the blanket closer to you.

He says, "I, uh, I didn't know that."

You get comfy and ask, "Where are the snacks? I'm hungry and I think it's bad to take medicine when you have an empty stomach. I haven't eaten today."

"Jesus, Y/N," Bryce says. "I wouldn't have given you the medicine if I knew that you didn't eat."

You cough into your elbow before you say, "I wasn't hungry then but I'm hungry now."

Bryce says, "Well, I brought Double Stuf Oreos, Gushers, Animal Crackers, and the closest thing I could find to a Wawa hoagie."

When Bryce mentions the Wawa hoagie, you look up at him and ask, "You brought me Wawa?"

"I brought you something close to Wawa," Bryce repeats. "It's not exactly Wawa but it's something close to it."

You say, "This is why I have a teeny tiny crush on you. You treat me so well."

Bryce gives a little chuckle as you grab the hoagie. You unwrap it and take a bite, humming softly.

He knows how much you love and miss Wawa. This is the closest thing to a Wawa hoagie that he could find. You appreciate that he tried looking for something close to a hoagie.

The rest of the day is spent watching a movie, and with you fading in and out of sleep. The meds are making you sleepy as well as a little loopy.

Even though you weren't feeling well, you do appreciate that Bryce came over and took care of you. He brought you food, drinks, and a heated blanket. You couldn't ask for a better best friend.

It's close to seven that night when Bryce picks you up off the couch. He carries you up to your bed because you're too weak to walk. He walks into your room and sets you down on the bed, pulling your blankets onto you.

"Bryce," you mumble, half asleep.

He's literally tucking you in as he asks, "Hm?"

You try to look at him as you say, "Stay with me tonight."

Bryce smiles and says, "Anything for you." He crawls into the bed beside you, pulling you into his arms. You smile and snuggle into his side.

"Goodnight, Bryce," you say, starting to doze off.

He presses a kiss to the side of your sweaty head as he says, "Goodnight, Y/N."

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