Chapter 5: Dear Diary

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"So how does this sound?"
Chiaki asked Nagito. The two were seated together at a table in the library, discussing lighting plans Chiaki had come up with.
"Yeah, that'd probably look great. We'd have to see the choreography for Beautiful first though...You know, to see if it would fit."
Nagito replied.

Izuru hadn't given out any information about choreography, just the scripts. They didn't have much to go off of except for looking at videos online.

"Hey, what're you two doing?"
Chiaki raised her head from the paper her notes were written on to see Hajime approaching them.
"Hey Hajime. We're just talking about lighting ideas."
She said nonchalantly.

Hajime sighed before pulling out a chair and sitting down next to the two.
"Am I the only one who's actually nervous for this whole thing?"
He asked, leaning on his hand. He took a brief look at Chiaki's notes but they looked way too complicated for him to decipher.

"Most likely." Nagito commented "I'm pretty excited for it, to be honest. JD was always a dream part for me."
Hajime looked Nagito over. They were to be stage love interests. That could either go amazingly, leading to a great performance and lovely friendship, or go awkwardly, causing a bit more of a stiff performance and a hindered friendship.

"What are you worried about?"
Chiaki questioned curiously, staring at Hajime
"Uh well...For starters, I've never seen this musical before. I know that I was apparently good enough to land the lead and everything but...I don't know, it just came as a shock. Don't know if I've got it in me to perform good enough and get into character."
He concluded.

It was silence for a second afterwards.
"You enjoy performing on stage though right?"
Nagito asked.
"Oh yeah, I get a bit nervous but it's really fun."
Hajime replied. He really did feel that way.

"Try getting a diary Hajime."
Chiaki said suddenly. She'd snapped out of her thoughts with a solid conclusion.
"Try writing in a diary. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the musical is partially made up of Veronica's diary entries. You never know, might help you understand her character better."
Chiaki returned to her notes, jotting something down quickly.

Hajime mulled it over in his head for a second. She was right, that could help him relate to Veronica.
"That's...not a bad idea Chiaki. I might try that. Thanks."
"Also take the script one step at a time. Memorize one scene at a time. And take notes as you memorize."
Nagito added. His script was open in front of him and he seemed to be reading over the first few scenes.
"You can take a look at mine if you'd like."

Hajime peered over Nagito's shoulder to see the page for "Fight For Me" were open. A few things such as "Move slowly!"
and "Keep stable." were annotated to the side in neat handwriting.
"You've got this all figured out."
The brunet said, retracting.
"Not really. We'll see at rehearsal."

"Take a look at mine too."
Chiaki offered. Her script was more annotated than Nagito's. Small notes like "Red here?" or "Plain white, goes with set colours?" were written.

Chiaki yawned softly and then pulled her script out from under Hajime's vision, along with her other notes. The papers were then hastily yet carefully put into Chiaki's bag.
"It's no use figuring this out without seeing Kazuichi's set plans...I should run these over with him too."
She got up and turned to leave.

"So the script doesn't have lighting cues and stuff then?"
Hajime asked.
"Oh no, it does. Just have to figure out what colours or what type of light would go well."
The gamer replied.

"You two might wanna watch a recording of the originals cast. Not just you, everyone should. Just search 'Heathers Bootleg' or 'Heathers Slime Tutorial' on Youtube and it should come up. Bye!"
"Thanks for the advice, see you later!"
Hajime called as Chiaki left the room.
"Bye Chiaki!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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