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did i steal this from runie? yes.
does this provide me with at least 10g of serotonin? also yes.
so I am unapologetically self-inserting myself into the haikyuu universe where I will either fall in love with yūji or eita so :)

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-as I've probably mentioned previously I would most likely go to shiratorizawa because a) im a tryhard b) my parents are tryhards and c) the uniforms >>>

-that being said im not the best at like studying because my attention span is quite literally 10 seconds so I would probably join a study group so I don't like fl*nk out of the school slskdkks and There i will meet the one, the only, shirabu kenjirou. he is almost too similar to me so when I would've initially seen him in the halls I would've Hated him and been intimidated by his drive but after seeing him study his ass off in study group and then go to volleyball, I would gain some respect to the guy and eventually we would become friends.

-this friendship would lead to me meeting the team a little when I would walk him there after class or wait for him outside to go home (because although we don't live close to each other, we're bros now and homies stick together). and ofc, I would ask the coach to be an advisor for the team, because lets be real im smitten with the game and team smh. (and because im SURE advisors are lining up outside the doors, let's just say id be ✨qualified✨ to be an advisor because a) im sexy b) teachers like me c) I know volleyball and d) idk maybe I'd be related to coach who knows idrc)


-now, to REFRESH my and yalls memory; I would be loWKEY besties with the tanaka siblings BUT at shiratorizawa, tendou and shirabu would probably be my go-tos because im like basically in love with tendou (in a mostly platonic way cmon) and shirabu is my first friend so we love that. NOW THAT BEING SAID, once I become an ✨advisor✨ I am immediately smitten with semi eita. like this man is hot, talented, Not Interested, angry-boi, and in desperate need of at least 20 hugs. so oFc my dumbass decides to befriend his statuesque lookin ass because im in love with him, as i said.

-when I first approach him, hes on the sidelines of a practice game (because he was taken out so shirabu can get some practice in) and i just like go up to him and immediately as something like "are you mad they took you out of starting position" and this dude just looks at me like "biTch tF yOu mEan" and at this point I'm about ready to Shit My Pants because he can be #veryscary sometimes and this is one of those times. but then he softens and just shrugs a lil baby shruggy shrug. because what's he gonna do, hit me? a possibility but unlikely as he's a gentleman 😌. anywhos, he doesn't really answer my question because he probably doesn't know himself. hes say something like "I respect him and I respect coach's decision" which is a very Non-Answer and I'm unsatisfied but also a bit uncomfortable with confrontation so I'd just nod and be like alrighty then.

-from then on id make a point to talk to him at LEAST once a day and s l o w l y, he would warm up to me and eventually we would become really close. I think we're pretty similar because we like the quiet, are content with just vibing, feel like second best, and generally get along.

-ok but when we get closer and i finally ask if he wants to like h a n g o u t and he says YES and we go get lunch and maybe TEA and I make him laugh no less than 4 times (like real laugh where his eyes crinkle shut, his eyebrows relax, and he just Lets Go and he shakes, arms circled around his stomach because he's laughing so hard it hurts like ugh kiss me already)

-we get really close to the point we're hanging out at least once a day, I tell him most things, and I HIGHKEY have the phattest crush on him. now, im a pussy and probably wouldn't tell him I liked him but he's kind of blunt at times (not a lot of the time unless you're close to him) and he would probably tell me when he figured it out, because c'mon who wouldn't fall in love with me skdjsks jk.

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