DRUNK| ᵃˡˡ

29 2 60

because idk man im tired
n kinda wanna cry so yall
get haikyuu content.
I make no promises on the
coherence on this chappy.

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this mf is the neediest most annoying lil bitch ever he will cling to you while complaining about a plethora of things. he's also a LIGHTWEIGHT yeah i said he. he's 3 drinks in and he's tryna rip your shirt off so he can wear it like?? you'd think he'd be able to handle his liquor but nah.

this kid just gets angry. he's a pissed drunk. he'll just stare at you with a glower on his face when you try and cut him off and yk he'll be yelling at hinata and anyone else who tries to interrupt his drinking like hunny.

he just gets hyper. like he will bounce off the walls and jump 20ft in the air no cap. (btw this is all When They Are Old and Legal so Fuck Off) yeah

you'd hope that he'd be a cute drunk but no. all that went to yams. tsukki is the saltiness mf with or without the alCohol. hes also hornier which is good for you until he tries to take you right there. he also is like only nice to you when he's drunk. like you bring anyone from karasuno or anYone and he will not hesitate to smack a bitch but w you hes baby but like horny bby

hes literally just silent. like he is just drinking his drinks and vibing as you lean on his shoulder and laugh along with Bokuto who is, btw, the loudest fucking drunk ever. but nah akaashi is even quieter than usual but he also is like O_O really clingy. so if you leave his shoulder or move away from him, he will pout and physically pull you back until you're in his lap.

he is the loudest drunk ever. like yall saw this coming he is so loud. but he's also a crier. he Will start crying because akaashi isn't giving him enough attention or because he ordered the wrong drink or that you're not laughing hard enough at his joke IDK but he is loud and criES.

he does not drink. he is the Certified Mom Friend and will not drink unless it's just you two. and oH boY when he does he is the horniest mf I SAID WHAT I SAID. yall are alone, hes had a few drinks and he is SLINKING over to you with that deep drunk voice of his that gets you all shivery like he will not hesitate to pound you like a nail

this dude was dragged by kuroo and he gets so WHINY like he will pout like a child after a few drinks because he wants to go home  >:( and play games >:((( hes a cute drunk and will try and sway you/kuroo to bring him home so he can play. OR he just falls asleep just like straight up ZzzzZs man.

this dude will join in bokuto's loudassness but he'll be loud about shit like chemistry or rhetoric appeals in classic literature. like he will just Not Shut Up but its ok because you love him and you know that at home you'll get to snuggle against him and give him lil kithes because he's tired and needs love 🥺

he is so fucking reckless. like he'll be tipsy and ready to jump off of a bridge or to go rob a convenience store. like he will be READY TO FUCKING GOOO and you'll have to be like tenou, bby, No❤  and then he'll get sad and try to get ushijima to take him but ushijima is just Not For It man.

he gets shy 🥺  ik ik ik but I stand by it. youd a flirty drunk and hes a blushing mess as you bombard him with kisses and hugs and lil words of praise over how talented and pretty he is and he'll just be a stuttering, blushing ball of goo. and you love it because he's NEVER like this and you will soak up all the chances you get to make him feel like how he makes you feel when he compliments you.

as a certified terishima stan I must once again say that he is another Horny Boi. but he's also like the cutest horniest mf you'll ever meet. he'll be like "baaaabe 🥺 I wanna feel youu❤" and you'll be like w Hat and he'll just give a cute lil smirk and drag you to yalls room where he just fucks the ever living shit out of you.

Another Mom Friend™ except his job us to make sure oikawa doesn't start some shit. he will Not Drink and doesn't even drink when it's just the 2 of you. hes just not for it man.

loud. just. loud. but he can HANDLE his liquOr like he's 20 drinks in and still solid and only a lil tipsy.

he laughs. he laughs and laughs at everything n everything. another lightweight 👀 i said what I said deal with it. he will need help getting home tho and when it's just the two of you he will pout until you kiss him then run away and laugh like a 12 year old but you love him and just roll you eyes. 

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yeah thats all enjoy this exhaustion
rant over drunk bbys.


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