What The Lads n Ladies Would Call You If You Were Dating

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look im a whore calm down
we're doing this.

I got ✨inspired✨

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ok Mr. teru teru bozu over here would call you something cringey ok. he'd be like "snookums 🥺" or some annoying shit. he'd call you the most disgustingly cute pet name he can think of and they keep getting progressively worse. like my fluffy wuffy cupcake queen and my snoopy woopy Snooki bottoms or poopy. but at like night when hes all sleepy he says your name with so much love and admiration its like ahdbshbsbdban dnsjdhshebbe

now, tendou on the other hand would call you love or darling. mostly love but when he's being really annoying he'll pull out the weird ones like "my little poison dart frog" or "my insidious tree" or "darling baby milk". when hes nervous he'll like nuzzle into your hair and give you a kiss and whisper how much he loves you and its uGh

ok semi is a basic bitch he'll call you babe or babes or just your name. bestie has no time for creativity (jk hes in a ba n d). but yeah. what makes it special tho is the way he says it. like he'll look at you before a gig and he'll just be like "wish me luck babe" and look at you completely smitten and its so adorable. on stage if hes singing a love song (or really any song) he'll always find you in the crowd and its as if he's singing just to you and after the show he'll give you the biggest kiss even if he's sweaty and gross but its so good because he's so good and hdjsbdbbabdbwn can you tell im a semi simp like PLEASE THIS MAM

another basic b but he'd call you baby. he doesn't do it often, especially not in public (he doesn't like.pda) but when you're home alone he whispers it in your ear, calls it from the kitchen. he'll call you love too. but only when hes really tired or stressed. hes truly too precious. he doesn't usually use your name at home even if he's mad or your mad. oh no yall would be fighting and he'd be like "baby please this is ridiculous" because he loves you too much.

hdjsjd yall saw this coming but he'd call you dumplin or something along those lines. and you absolutely adore it. he tries to find the cutest/weirdest food pet name he can because he loves to see you laugh when he calls you puddin cup or fileted halibut with lemon puree. it also helps him come up with new recipes for his restaurant because you're a muse c mon.

suga would also call you love. at least most often. but he'd try to rile you up (a lot) by using really annoying and ridiculous pet names like firehydrant or home depot which would end with you chasing him until you both collapsed on the ground laughing. but he'd mostly use love or dear. he likes being domestic that way. he'll just whisper things into your ear before a game or other things and say it with such admiration and love you blush. like pls hes such a good guy like ugH. he would call you a slut in bed though (if you're comfortable with it)

this loser had like no pet names for you. he just wasn't that into it. he might have one that's more of like an inside joke. like idk smth like radish or milk or SMTH IDK but he really doesn't have one and you're fine with that because you love to see him blush and pout when you call him things like snookums or bumblebee or puddin.

hes so SWEET. like he'll call you any name under the sun because he loves to show you how much you mean to him. he's not big on pda so.its usually a whispered baby in the ear in public but when you're alone oh boy its so disgustingly cute its obnoxious. he enjoys being called names but not as much as he likes calling you names. hes just a soft dude ok.

he thinks its hilarious to call you bestie. as a bi icon he feels it is his duty to represent the community. he doesn't really use too many pet names unless as a joke. like he'll call you darling or baby to get you to do smth or whatever. but he really just calls you bestie or your name. the occasional babe is thrown in.

she doesn't use pet names seriously so she'll call you any one but jokingly. like to get you to do something she'll pull out the dear or dearest s/o of mine. she thinks its hilarious to watch you roll your eyes before doing whatever it is she asked bc she knows you can't say no.to her. like brother like sister I swear.

this slut calls you booty call or anything along those lines. because he's a loser but he's your loser. he's so ANNOYING tho like he has no creativity he just pulls something out of his ass and just goes with it. except when its early in the morning and hes half asleep, in which case he uses darling most often. he'll kiss you goodmorning and just mumble at you. its adorable.

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