...And Into The Fire

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Hey guys, it's time for our protagonist to finally be up and about. Remember to comment what ya'll wanna see and whatnot. Enjoy~

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Finally. It's Entry-Day (or my birthday I suppose). 

After the whole tempering fiasco, I spent my time gathering Qi to form my Golden Core. While it took almost the entirety of the time I had left before my birth, I was glad for the break. I was stuck, for three days, in a constant loop of literally breaking my heart and reforming it (and my other organs), before the Violent War Qi ceased its corrosive motion throughout my endocrine, cardiovascular, and gastric systems. Immediately after the fact, I had checked up on my mother and -seeing that she was in a less than ideal state of health- tasked the cardinal, I named it Dearg, on sending gentle waves of Natural Qi and Aura to soothe and repair any damage to my mother. Dearg was apparently able to weave Aura and Qi into each other with ease, having been exposed to Qi as a manifestation of Aura from before. 

As of now though, I am currently rotating my Qi and Aura throughout my body -soaking every fiber with vitality- in preparation for my...exit. I shuddered. This was going to be one of MANY necessary unpleasantries in this second life of mine (I didn't even want to begin thinking about puberty) but was admittedly as unavoidable as the air was. I turned my attention to Dearg for a moment; the ghost bird was flapping its wings, sending the Aura-Qi mix toward my mother, and chirping gently -all in time of my own rotations. Regardless, from how big I was and the state of my mother's stomach, I narrowed down the exit to today. As the pregnant throes of my mother increased in intensity, I wondered how this life would go...

Kite's POV


As Doctor Bréige, as prepped as she was, urged me to give birth, I cursed her and all her ancestors. Quil, being the chicken-shit wuss he was, passed out onto the floor and left me to deal with pushing this absolute brick of a man-child out my vagina. 

Quil's POV

I wasn't actually passed out -I just didn't want to get my hand crushed by my wifey.

Kite's POV

As I screamed bloody murder for all to hear, a few people walked into the room. My mind, being occupied by the pain of childbirth, failed to register the masks and attire of those who had just stepped in; my voice reaching a higher octave in attempting a large push. With an audible pop, my child entered the world. Before I could ask to hold my child, I noticed a shimmer in the air and the White Fang standing in the back of the room. 

I immediately know what's happening and attempt to buy time for my husband to awaken. The doctor, who I now assume is a traitor, hasn't cut the umbilical cord of my baby. "Bréige...can I hold my child?" 

Bréige sighs and looks to me with a piercing gaze. "I think you know what's going on Kite. You aren't stupid." She gestures to the White Fang and two members step forward toward either side of the bed. "I wasn't always a violent person, but the death of your parents in a Schnee mine will change that real quick. Now, as one who many would call a radical, a terrorist even, I've thrown my lot with the more aggressive freedom fighters of the White Fang led by the veterans from the Great War. While our methods are a bit gorier, it's all for the purpose of making a statement -a difference at the expense of the few. I gave you a chance to repent, you know? I infiltrated your manor 15 years ago Kite. I know about your shared ownership of several mines owned by the SDC that was actually bought with the recently deceased Former-General Lagune's inheritance. I'm sure you're aware of the treatment our brothers and sisters have there, yes? I watched as you and your husband managed the estate and your multiple properties -all according to the status quo. You're good people Kite, but you refuse to take action when the oppressed are being squashed -and there's nothing more evil than good people idling by and allowing evil to exist below their noses." She pushes her glasses up, sighing once more as she glances at my child. I swallow bile down before gritting my teeth.'Cruach should be here soon -he should be able to take care of these chumps...' I shake myself out of my thoughts and hardened my gaze at the quack doctor. "I'm assuming you are here for your more violent approach? Then do your worst Fake McFucker -I don't give a shit about what you do to me..." I trail her gaze to where my child lay with considerably softer eyes. 'The priority is to make sure my baby is safe -nothing matters more.' I blink tears out of my eyes at the thought that I may not be able to hold my child after today and turned to the Faunus doctor with the coldest eyes I can muster. "I just hope that the White Fang has more pride than being baby killers." The room seemed to rapidly freeze over as I said: "I don't care what you do to me -and I doubt the oaf on the floor cares what happens to him either- but if you dare to pluck even a hair from my child, there will be no refuge on Remnant for your damn hide. I will TEAR everything you love if you so much as think of harming my baby."

Quil's POV

'DAMMIT,' I thought to myself. I needed more time! With White Fang near enough to both my wife AND my kid, I needed a distraction to fight without casualties. I only hope Kite knows what she's doing. I tensed up, ready to spring into action as soon as someone gave an opening.

Kite's POV

As the tension in the room grew heavy, the doctor scoffed. "I ain't a baby killer Kite, but-" She paused and she held up a scalpel she retrieved from the medical tray next to her. "-I do have to kill the entirety of your family. No hard feelings Kite; I had hoped for a better ending for you and your family." It was my turn to scoff at her, which was interrupted by a small chocked sob that fought its way out my throat. Grief gave way to hate as the bitch smiled sadly and approached. "Fuck you and all you animals." I spat her with a hitch in my breath -tears stained my vision as I thought to my baby. 'I am so, so sorry...Cardin.' A smile broke out on my face as I thought about my baby boy's name -one that Quil and I decided on the day we found out we were expecting a boy. Bréige's snarl and murderous approach were interrupted by a hellish roar coming from...Cardin?!

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Man, I am just killing it with these cliffhangers, huh? But, in all seriousness, the weird backlog before Cardin can interact with anyone will happen in a chapter (me thinks). LMK what ya'll liked. BUH-BAI!

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