idk bro seems kinda gay to me

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 I screamed as I felt a hand on my shoulder and swung around, sword raised, ready to strike. I heard a familiar laugh and looked at the 4'9 stature of my employer and friend, Frank . I laughed with him, lowering the blade. "Hey Frankie, what can I do for you?" Frank just smiled and motioned for me to follow him further into the dark. We walked for about 15 minutes or so before reaching a hidden door that looked like a normal brick wall, but it was far more than that. This was the headquarters for the most elite team of spies in the world.

We wandered through the toxically sanitized hallways into his office. He smiled again, and . I took a seat across from him and waited, anticipating my next mission. "I called you here to discuss a new mission. As you may know , Gerard Way is currently on his deathbed. I am concerned that if I send another agent on this mission they might fail." I leaned forward, excited. "You are going to collect his last breath in this l." Frank passed me the vial. I glanced at it before putting it in my belt. I nodded and got up, reaching for the door. "Oh and one more thing, be careful, please. " I glanced back at him, smirking, "Always." With that, I walked out of the building.

I got on my flight out to Dallas, anticipating arrival. I glanced out the window of the plane. I silently wished the beautiful city goodbye and nodded to Frank who was on the tarmac. I turned to face the front, seeing the flight attendant was showing how to buckle seatbelts, I pulled out a book and, and so the long flight began.

We landed 5 hours later, and I smiled wearily, glad the Xanax I had taken was still working, making everything seem more pleasant it was. The sticky airport carpet sucked at my dragging feet and the loud speakers let a ringing in my ears. I wandered out to the black bus that was awaiting me and got in, driving to a hotel situated near the hospital Gerard was staying in. I got off the bus and walked in, grabbing my key card off the front desk, and climbing the stairs of the dingy hotel. I flopped onto the bed. This was going to be one awful night of sleep.

I slept great. "Ok so game plan." I muttered to myself, earning quite a few strange looks that might be more related to my clothing than my mutterings.

I rushed inside, reaching for my belt as I reached the bathroom for staff only. . I walked out of the bathroom, and walked up to the front desk, grabbing a patients list and scanning the names, finding Gerard's, I rush to room number 723. I push open the door and see Gerard lying there, surrounded by heart monitors and IV's. I grimaced at the metal bars surrounding the bed and the fake laughter coming from the TV. Someone had attempted to make the room comforting my shoving plants in a corner, and hanging up some of Gerard's drawings on the painfully white walls.

I rush over to Gerard, my boots thumping against the cold tile and echoing off the walls. Cries emanating from the room next door. Grabbing the vial from my pocket, I whispered softly, "Hey hey buddy, I'm here, you're not going out alone, trust me." I raise the vial to his lips right as he exhales for the very last time.

I hear the line go flat and the rush of feet heading to the room. I hurry to the balcony and throw myself over, catching the ledge. I start the countdown in my head, knowing I can only hold on for 3 minutes. I hear sobs coming from the room, and climb back over. I hurry past the sobbing family, and rush out of the room, down the hall, skipping stairs on the way down. My only thought was to get out of there as fast as possible. I rush to the staff bathroom where I left my clothes and change them, running out as I hear footsteps behind me.

Dangit, I forgot about the security cameras. I pick up the pace, my black leather boots squeaking against the floor and my black cross earrings jangling. I run out the doors and into the street, narrowly avoiding the metro bus as it speeds by me. I grab onto the back of a van and let it take me close enough to the airport. I jump off, boarding the next plane out to New Jersey, back to my boss.

I reach the and run to the brick wall, pushing on it and screaming when it budge. I kicked the grime covered wall, screaming again when I sprain my toe from the force of the impact. I know they can all see me, so why aren't they letting me in?

I hear footsteps and draw my sword again, turning around to meet three tatted up thugs, standing only a few feet away from me. "Something important behind that wall kid?" I shivered, "No, there's nothing, I was set up." They looked at me pityingly. "What a shame, looks like you're all alone then." I nodded, continuing to tremble. One of them lunged for me, and I sliced their arm clean off. I turned to the others. "It is a shame I'm all alone, innit?" They glanced at my blood covered sword then lunged, I chopped one of their heads off and the other one I miscalculated, getting tackled.

My sword skittered away from my hand, and I glared at it. I turned my attention back to the thug who was currently holding me hostage. I try to push him off, wishing my strength to kick in. I wriggle about in his arms, leaning forward and with all my strength snapping my head back into his face. My skull connected with his mouth, and a horrible snap was heard. There my strength was, oh how I had missed it. He let out a cry of pain and horror. I feel his arms release me and I turn around, grabbing my sword , and chopping his head off too. I turn to the last thug, kindly motioning for him to leave. He scrambles off, and I stand there, panting. I stare as the pool of blood that is pooled around my feet, staining my expensive heels. I turn and knock on the brick wall again, this time only having to wait a moment for it to open.

There stood frank, smiling at me. I glowered, "You knew they were here and you did not tell me? How dare you frank, to think I trusted you." He smiled wider. "I'm sorry my dear agent, but you handed it beautifully. Now come inside, lets treat the poor little sprained toe." The pain from my foot came rushing back to me and I winced. "Yeah, ok Frank, I'll yell at you later. Oh wait, here." I passed him the vial. Here's the last breath, wasn't that hard to get it but god, I never want to do that again." With that, I'm taken off to the med clinic and Frank wanders off to his office to add the vial to his prized possessions.

I wrote this for school but it's fanfiction and I got away with itWhere stories live. Discover now