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"Jin-ae you're back in school. I missed youu!!" Winter chanted whilst pulling her into a tight hug.
"Hi winter, I was only off for two days but I missed you too." She replied and returned her the hug.

"Where's Minju by the way?" Jin-ae asked and sat down on her seat.
"She's in the drama room rehearsing with her teammates." Winter responded who was now doodling little characters on her sketchbook.
"How about you? Aren't you also going to be performing? Why are you not in the music room?"
"No, they rescheduled my performance next month. I dont know why."
"Oh, then I hope both of your performances turn out well-"


She looked up to see Sungchan in front of her. A plastic bag placed on her table.

"For you. You better eat it." He said.
"Umm, thank you I guess?"

"Go and hug him as a sign of a thank you." Winter whispered as she nudges her arm.
"No what the heck." Jin-ae said.
"You do realise that I could still hear the two of you right? I didnt loose my hearing." Sungchan said, the two girls only ignoring his presence.

"Jin-ae he was the one that took care of you when you were sick for two days, girl he even got you food!!" Winter argues. Jin-ae only rolling her eyes. I mean, winter was right. He did take care of her for two days.

She stood up from her seat and went in front of him. Blowing air out of her nose in annoyance and opening her arms out wide. Struggling to walk closer to him.

Winter had an anticipating look on her face. Fist inside her mouth as she had her phone hidden under the table, filming them. Ooh she was a menace, she was going to keep reminding Jin-ae about this.

A smile made it's way on his face. Sungchan pulling her by the arm as he engulfed her in a hug.

"I needed a hug today." He spoke softly, hiding his face in her hair.
Jin-ae only stood there frozen.
"Hmm whatever you say." She replied and hugged him back. His smile immediately growing.

"Oh my lord, why is this the first thing I see when I enter the classroom. Morning ruined." Eunseok mumbled, making Jin-ae alarmed as she pushes Sungchan away.
"Shut up, you ruined the moment." Seunghan complains and flicked the older boys head.
"He really did." Wonbin agreed.
"Totally." Followed by Anton.

"Could you stop staring." Says Jin-ae as she sat back down on her seat.
"Oh I apologise for making you uncomfortable." Sohee apologised and told all his friends to leave the classroom. All except Eunseok who had his class in this room.

She only had her head hung low in embarrassment. Mumbling coherent swear words out of embarrassment.

"Shh stop swearing. It's still early in the morning." Winter hushed her as Jin-ae sent her a glare.
"You were the one who told me to hug him Minjeong."
She only sighed in annoyance and laid her head on the table. Her long hair covering her face as she tried to hide from existence.


at lunch

"Hey Jin-ae, Jin-ae wait up!!" Jake called out as he ran towards her. The girl stopped in her trace and looked back.
"Do you need something?" She asked him as the guy stopped running to catch his breath.
"Can you.. *huft* give this permission slip to your boyfriend Sungchan." He breathed heavily while giving her the piece of paper.
"He's not my boyfrie- wait, how did you know that he's my 'boyfriend'?" Jin-ae said curiously with her brows furrowed.
"What? Everyone in this school knows that you're together. I mean, it was kinda like obvious." The lad replied and shrugging his shoulders at the end.
"Huh? Ok then.. I'll get going now." She said and walked away.

𝗟𝗢𝗪𝗞𝗘𝗬 ( 𝗃. 𝗌𝗎𝗇𝗀𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗇 ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now