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The frigid january breeze flew by. Running through Jin-ae's hair as she walked through the empty neighbourhood. Feeling resposeful as the weight on her shoulders loosened itself. She was at ease. Next week was spring break and she could spend the whole week relaxing and hibernating.

She was alone. It wasn't late at night because she had just gotten back from winter's house but still dangerous for her to walk home alone, especially at night.

It came to the point where she could feel as if someone was following her from behind. Scared to look back, she started to walk a bit faster and yet she could still hear the footsteps behind her increasing.

"Ok this is not good." She mumbled and turned on her heel, running away.
"Stop running!" Someone spoke and held onto her hand, spinning her around as she was now faced to face with the person.

"Omg you scared me. I thought I was being followed by someone." She said as her hands started to shake, her trauma overshadowing her thoughts.
"Why have you been ignoring me for the past week." Sungchan asked while looking straight at her.
"Could y-you let go of my hands." She spoke as he let go of her hands, fear evident on her face.

"Look if its because of what happend a week ago, I'm really sorry-"
"No it's fine. I know you didn't mean it." She quickly interrupts.
"What did I say to upset you? Tell me Jin-ae." He pleads as she looks away. Not wanting to tell him what he did.

"I think it's better if we end everything now Sungchan." Jin-ae said and sent him a small smile.
"What do you mean end everything now?" He asks confused.
"This fake dating. A month is nearly up, you acted great, you did well but to save myself from hurting, it's better if we just break up."

"NO!" He exclaimed, making the girl flinch as tears escaped his eyes.
"Who said that I was faking everything in the first place? Who said that I was acting this whole time. Do you not realise that I actually like you." He said and pulled her into a hug. Crying as she stood there startled.

"I like you dumbass. Actually more than that. Do you want to know why the math teacher asked you to tutor me? Because he heard overheard about my crush on you and he wanted to help me get closer to you. I wouldn't have pretended to be bad at maths just so you could tutor me for nothing.. I genuinely like you, for years even. Dont leave me please. Give me a second chance." Sungchan cried.

She let out a sigh.
"Hey.. stop crying." She said and held onto his face.
"Dont waste your tears on me. It's not worth it."
"It is, if it's for you." He said and let out a painful chuckle while tears were streaming out of his eyes.
"Goodness stop crying. I'll give you a second chance, no fake dating this time. So stop crying, alright?" Jin-ae stated as he cracked a smile.

𝗟𝗢𝗪𝗞𝗘𝗬 ( 𝗃. 𝗌𝗎𝗇𝗀𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗇 ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now