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*knock knock

"You're fooling me again are you? You proved that you were only pretending to be bad at maths to get close to me before so why do you need my help to figure out these questions?" Jin-ae asks.
"I'm not pretending this time. I'm actually lost Jin-ae Yoo!" Sungchan wails as the girl raises a brow up in suspicion.
"How am I supposed to know that you're not pretending. You haven't even attempted to do it yet." She continues to interrogate him.

*knock knock knock

"I haven't attempted it because I don't understand!? What am I supposed to write when I don't even know what to write on the paper." Sungchan whines.


"Geez who the fuck is knocking on my door. Just come inside goodness gracious." Sungchan exclaims.
The two couples seeing Yejun enter the room with an innocent smile on her face.

"Are you trying to break down my door Junnie!?" He tells her off as Yejun rolls her eyes at him.
"I knocked two times before that but you didn't reply? Ok I started banging on your door. At least I was still bothered to knock unlike you." She explains herself as Sungchan pulls on his face in exhaustion.
"What the hell do you want." He asks in irritation.

"I need to talk to Jin-ae about something. Girl talk. So I'm going to be borrowing her for a bit." She said and held onto Jin-ae's arms.
"Hey, she was helping me with my work? Why are you stealing her away from me. Besides, if you wanted to talk to her about something, can't you talk about it here." He argues.

"What part of GIRL TALK do you not understand Sungchan. Besides it won't take long." Yejun tells him off.
Jin-ae's ears were about to explode if she had to keep hearing them argue.

"I'll talk to Yejun for some time. Besides she says that it won't take long. And you." Jin-ae spoke up as she places a blank paper in front of Sungchan.
"You go ahead and try to answer these questions. Then I'll come back and see if you actually understand it or not."

The lad could just throw a tired and defeated look as he gave in.

"Great. Thanks Sungchan, you're the best brother ever." Yejun chimes as her brother flips her off.


"So, what did you want to talk about." Jin-ae asks as she sat down on Yejun's bed.
"I want to know what the stages of having a crush is like. Like when you started liking my idiot brother, how did you feel?" Yejun asks.

Jin-ae raises a brow.
"You have a crush on someone!?" She says excitedly.
"No, maybe, I don't know? That's why I'm asking you." Yejun says bashfully.

"Well how do I say this..." the older girl tries to think of a reply.
"Does your heart just suddenly start beating really fast all of a sudden when you see them? Or do you feel shy and avoid their view when you make eye contact?"

"Um yeah, sort of. The heartbeat part yes but the eye contact no. I'm just used to holding eye contact with people." Yejun answers.
"Geez you're just like Sungchan." Jin-ae chimes.
"Ew, don't compare me to him. I don't make my crush on someone as obvious as him ok."
"Of course you don't."

"So, who's the person that you like? You're making me quite curious now. It rare for Yejun to start liking someone." The older girl asks.
"I'm not telling. I'm not telling anyone about who my crush is." She said as it made Jin-ae frown.
"One hint."

Yejun thought about it for a second.
"He's apart of the school band. That's all that I'm going to say."
"What instrument does he play. The guitar?" She continues to ask.
"That's more than one clue! You only asked for one!" Yejun tells her as it further worsen the frown that was on the older girls face.
"That could literally be anyone."

"Jin-ae I answered all the questions, can you check them. I think they're all wrong, but I don't care anymore. It's making me go crazy!" Sungchan exclaims as he barges into the room.
The two girls looking at him in appal when he just suddenly came in. Good thing that Yejun was done talking about what she wanted to say.

"See I told you he doesn't knock!" Yejun groans as her brother sent her a glare.
"Shut up Junnie."
He then gave the piece of paper that had all his answers over to his girlfriend. Jin-ae looking through his answers as she inspects it.
"Geez. You really do need help. You got none of the questions correct." She said as Sungchan collapses on Yejun's bed. The lad screaming tiredly.

"What happened to you. Why are you so bad at maths now?" Yejun asks as Sungchan lightly pushes her.

"Shut up Junnie. I don't want to talk about it." He whines.
"Maybe you really did need a tutor." Yejun further provoked him.

Sungchan was holding onto himself. If Yejun wasn't a girl he would've already thrown her out of the window.

"Yeah maybe I really did need one after all." He ends up replying.


hi, I'm sorry for the really abrupt ending. There's actually still like four more chapters left but I feel as if they aren't really that important and are a bit too repetitive. So I'm going to end the book here. Sorry for taking sooooo long to edit this book, honestly it's such an old book that it was a bit hard to drastically change it, moreover think of something new to write. So I'm sorry if the ending is a bit underwhelming lmfao.

I hope you've enjoyed reading this book though. (I sure did not enjoy writing it the second time. Maybe my younger year old self enjoyed writing it a lot since I was head over heels for Sungchan when he was first introduced as an nct member).

But I guess I decided to end the book like this so it would make a lot more sense for the next book which is Wonbin's book.
If you haven't read his book yet, or if the majority of you are older readers, the next book in this series is 'AWKWARD- PARK WONBIN' ^__^ there Yejun would be the main character and you could see the daily life of Sungchan's younger sister.
Though if people came from the Wonbin book first, I didn't explain about Yejun's (already) crush, so you could get the hint from this book.

Thank you again to those who managed to make it to the end and voted, it really means a lot. To those who have reread this book, shhhhh I hope you don't remember what the last few chapters were 😁

This has been derysaurus 🦋

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