twenty one

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"*ouch, don't you think that you're pulling my hair a bit too hard." Jin-ae winces as she nudges Sungchan's arms.
"Shh. Stop fussing, I'm just trying to braid your hair." He tells her. He's been trying to braid her hair for the last fifteen minutes. He's been trying to figure out how people even braid hair.
"That does not look like a braid. It looks like you're trying to tie a knot in her poor hair." Yejun tells her brother off as all Sungchan could do was roll his eyes at her.
"Shut up Junnie, can't you see that I'm trying here." He wails.

Once everyone was done with their movie marathon, the majority of them had went to bed. All besides Sungchan, Jin-ae, Yejun, and Wonbin. The three of them wanted to star gaze outside before going to sleep since the stars were bright out today, and Sungchan had asked Wonbin if he wanted to come along and join them since he had problems falling asleep, so here Wonbin was stuck outside with the three of them.

"Hyung, at least watch a tutorial first before you attempt to braid someone's hair." Wonbin finally decides to open his mouth and say something. Whenever Wonbin was around Yejun, he couldn't help but to feel really awkward. Everyone around them could sense the awkwardness, it was weird how Yejun and Wonbin aren't even friends or get along with each other even though the two of them are the same age.

"Wonbin once I've mastered the easy level of braiding hair, and I become a pro hairstylist, your hair would be the next that I'd style." Sungchan tells him as this scared Wonbin as he touches his hair, shielding it from him.
"Don't you dare come close to me and my short hair."
"You won't be able to fight me off princess." He teases as Wonbin flips him off. Primarily due to the fact that he called that nickname in front of his sister. HIS SISTER. The girl that Wonbin has a crush on.

"Sungchan have you ever tried styling Yejun's hair before?" Jin-ae asks him.
"I did when we were younger. I made her have pigtails but her hair is so weird that it stuck upwards and then she cried and blamed me for ruining her hair." He answers. This embarrassing Yejun as she aggressively pushes her brother, resulting in him falling down on the grass.
"You were always so aggressive when you played with my hair. I got bald spots from a young age because you pulled on it harshly." Yejun retorted.
"I was a child. Forgive me and forget about it." Her brother mumbles as he rolls his eyes at her.

Jin-ae and Wonbin were enjoying their bickering. Well- Wonbin enjoyed it the most. He liked hearing stories about Yejun. It's like another way for him to get to know her a little better. Just imagining baby Yejun crying because Sungchan gave her an ugly hairstyle made him left him at awe.

"Anyways I think I'm done with braiding your hair. Tadah!! I did a good job right?" He says as Yejun and Wonbin looked at his final 'masterpiece.'
Yejun took a picture of the hairstyle on her phone and showed it over to Jin-ae as she stares at her phone with a blank look on her face.

"Hyung I don't think you should ever think about becoming a hairstylist because what the fuck is that." Wonbin tells him in the most respectful way that he could think of.
"WHATT?? It's not that bad." Sungchan says as his sister looks at him as if he was dumb.
"You tied KNOTS in her hair Sungchan. I knew you could never be trusted around anyone's hair from the moment that you liked to ruin and cut my Barbie's hair." Yejun stated as she tells him to move out of the way so that she could untie Jin-ae's hair.

"Anyways, enough about hair. How about we do something else." Jin-ae suggested.
"Oh right, there's a guitar stored in the closet next to the living room. Wonbin you could play the guitar right." Sungchan says as Wonbin nodded his head before he got up to head inside the house and get the guitar.

Once he was back, he sat down beside Sungchan. The guitar in his lap as he started to play a tune.

"Someone sing. I can't sing whilst playing the guitar at the same time." Wonbin says.
"Junnie why don't you sing, this could be a duet between the two of you 02 kids." Sungchan tells his sister as she eyes him peculiarly. Why was her brother trying really hard to make her and Wonbin get along with each other.

"Alright then. Could you play talking to moon by Bruno Mars, Wonbin?" Yejun gave in.
Just her saying his name had manage to make the side of his cheeks heat up. He lowers his head so she couldn't see his face.
"There's nothing that I can't play."
He then started the tune as Yejun started to sing. Both Sungchan and Jin-ae enjoying their performance as they stared above. Admiring the countless amount of stars that decorated the sky.

"Look a shooting star." Jin-ae points out as the four of them watched as a fallen star fell across the sky.
"Make a wish." Sungchan cheers.
"Making a wish upon a star is not real yknaw?" She tells him as he only hushed her.
"You need to start believing in things Jin-ae Yoo."

All whilst the older teenagers were busy making a wish, Wonbin and Yejun sat there in silence as they watched them.
Wonbin had secretly made a wish, but he wasn't going to tell anyone about it.

"You're actually really good at playing the guitar. Where'd you learn how to play?" Yejun asks Wonbin all of a sudden. This surprising him.
"I learnt to play it myself. I always liked to play with my older brother's guitar when I was younger." He answers her as she lets out an 'oh.'
"You're really good at singing as well." He then compliments her as she quickly shakes her head a no.
"I'm not that good." She brushes it off.

"You say wonbin, are you going to be taking Music as one of your subjects next school year?" She then asks as he nods his head a yes.
"One of my friends wouldn't stop pestering me to join."
"Well then, if we do end up being in the same class next year that would be nice, wouldn't it?" She says as he yet again lowers his head to hide his face from her.
"Yeah, that'd be nice."

Jin-ae watches their little interaction as she couldn't help but to smile.
"What are you smiling about?" Sungchan questions her.
"Oh nothing. I was just smiling about the wish that I made." She quickly came up with a lie as this intrigued him.
"What did you wish for? Tell me."

𝗟𝗢𝗪𝗞𝗘𝗬 ( 𝗃. 𝗌𝗎𝗇𝗀𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗇 ) ✓Where stories live. Discover now