Chapter 1: Awakened

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"Get in! Get in! Hurry! They are coming!" "You don't understand! I need to find...!" "There's no time! It's a bullet-hell down there! And the monsters are loose! This room will keep you safe until everything's calmed down. Can't get you infected with the virus."


*Tumble* *Thud*

"Sorry kid..."


"It's for your own good..."

*Subject will be in stasis mode in 3...2...1...*





Insufficient power detected. Main generator damaged. Elevators are disabled. Office power is disabled. Library room power disabled.

*Caution* Life support system is currently failing due to a lack of power. The Stasis chamber will be open to preserve the life of the subject. The backup power generator is operational, please repair the main generator as soon as possible. The subject will be released in 3...2...1...

*Splash* *Thud*

You awoke, everything is blurry as you fall to your knees shaking, taking breaths after waking up from that pod. You feel so lightheaded and weak, you even feel hungry as though as you haven't in days or weeks. Looking down at yourself, you noticed you are wearing nothing but shorts.

"Where..." you coughed.

Taking a deep breath, you slowly start to look around in this strange room you find yourself in. Upon inspection, you realized that you are in a lab of sorts and you seemed to be in a chamber served to contain you. The last memory you have was when you were urgently pushed into the pod before falling into a deep slumber that gave you a coma. Chances are, you were kidnapped, being brought here for unknown purposes. Understanding the situation, you decided to escape this place before your potential kidnappers come to find you.

The first thing you noticed was a notepad that was placed on the table in the corner of your 'room'. The first reads:

"Don't make ANY contact with those monsters! If you do, you will become one of them! Avoid them at all costs! Good luck!"

'Avoid monsters? Like...actual monsters?' you thought.

Whoever wrote this may be in a rush as the writing is all sloppy looking. The second note seems to be instructions all about the spillage of some samples in the sewage drain, it also emphasizes the 'biological' samples. 

Anxiety installs you as you feel something terrible must have occurred here that caused this mess. You are now more eager to get out as soon as possible.

Looking around the room an emergency note seems to indicate something in the vents that will unlock the door in the room. In closer inspection, you noticed there is a glowing red button which must be an emergency switch. Before pressing it you heard some strange sloshing and sliding sounds coming from the vent, is there something in there? 

Taking caution, you slowly move away from it, but as you do some white sludge of sorts came pouring out and it looks very much alive!

You start to back away faster as the sludge seems to follow you as it has a lot of interest in you. Backed against the wall you feared for the worst, but as luck would have it, there is a sewage drain in front of you as mentioned on the note. The sludge then fell through the drain with a splash soon followed afterward. 

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