Chapter 5: The Lonely Librarian

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After eating the oranges left by the latex dragons, you went to go to another door...and to find that surprisingly... it is locked... do people here love locking doors so much? Seems like you need a code for it. You tried the other door, which opens and leads you to the balcony.

The Balcony is filled with yet another maze of boxes for you to push and pull. People here are very well organized, aren't they? You push the boxes out of the way until a loud *CAW* Screeches in the air. A crow lands on a box in front of you and screeches at you. When you try to move it away, it flutters its wings and tries to bite you in protest.

"What do you want?" you ask, taking caution that the bird is made of latex. It then coos and looks at your pocket with interest. In your pockets, there are some orange peels that you kept from earlier. Does it want them?

"Is that what you want? You are hungry?" you ask.

"Caw!" the crow screech, seemly in affirmative of your question.

You take the orange peels from your pockets and offer them to the crow. It then quickly grabs them in its claws and flies off somewhere to eat them.

'Well, that's taken care of.' You thought.

Through the maze, you reach a room that is filled with stacks of books all around. You check the door nearby to find to your dismay... locked... you then see a poster that shows a picture of the Earth and moon, with the moon having a 90-degree angle next to that a code? 3002... that might work for the other locked door!

Heading back, you then see that all the boxes are mysteriously moved back into their original places, how did all these boxes move back in place? Dismissing it, you move the boxes away and went through the maze once more.

Back to where you started, you input the code into the machine, and it works! With the click from the door, you open it and went through. You enter to see a large room with shelves filled with books, this must be the library!

As you take a step forward you saw something white dripping from the ceiling. Looking up, you see some living white latex crawling on the ceiling. Best to keep an eye on them.

Moving through the library, while avoiding the sneaky white latex, you reach the next door. But as you open the door, you then see a large white fluffy... ball? The 'ball' then seems to shuffle and turns around to see you. The 'ball' turns out to be a living tail as you see it smile at you.



Time to run.

You rush out of the door in terror as the tail gives chase. For a creature with no limbs, it sure moves very fast! You cut corners and even jump over a latex puddle on the floor while avoiding the white latex on the ceiling trying to take this opportunity to catch you off guard. Running through the door, you are about to run to the maze, till you realize that it will lead you to a dead end. You need to hide!

With quick thinking, you hide behind the overgrown potted tree, just as the tail bursts through. It goes to the center of the room, looking for you. Before it leaves, you accidentally move a little, making a quiet *crunch* sound of the leaves. The tail turns around slowly and approaches the tree. It sweat builds up within you...heart-pounding...


It leaves, through the door to the box maze. You left your hiding spot when you decide that the coast is clear. You almost collapse on your knees, that was close.

Regaining your breath, you went through the library and through the door for real this time.

Taking a proper look around, you see by the entrance that there are many stacks of books all around. But by the end of the room, someone is sitting there, reading a book. He...or she, doesn't seem to be aware of your presence. As you approach the figure to introduce yourself, you find in shock to see that the figure is a black latex wolf! The wolf's ears flicker as it looks up from its book to find you. His eyes widen in immense shock.

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