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PoV Henry:

When I wake up again, I see that guy again, from his voice I can make out, that this is in fact Sammy Lawrence. I vaguely listen to him blinking often, as he speaks:,, There we go, nice and tight. We wouldn't want our sheep roaming away now, would we? No, we wouldn't. I must admit, I am honored, you came all the way down here to visit me. It almost makes what I'm about to do seem... Cruel. But the believers must honor their savior. I must have him notice me. Wait... You look familiar to me. .. That face.. Not now. For our lord is calling to us, my little sheep. The time of sacrifice is at hand! And then I will finally be freed from this.. Prison. This inky.. Dark.. Abyss I call a body. Shhhh... Quiet! Listen! I can hear him. Crawling above. Crawling! Let us begin. The ritual must be completed! Soon, he will hear me.. He will set us free. " I watch him, walk away. My vision cleared as he was talking and I watch him, shut the door. Then, I hear him over a speaker. He really wants to sacrifice me? Well I guess so. I hear his voice again:,, Sheep, sheep, sheep. It's lime for sleep. Rest your head. It's time for bed. In the morning you may wake. Or in the morning you'll be dead. Hear me, Bendy! Arise from the darkness! Arise and claim my offering!" Excuse me? I'm a human being, not an offering. Man, this man needs serious help, aside from his weird inky body. I listen to Sammy continue his ritual:,, Free me! I beg you! I summon you, Ink Demon! Show your face and take this tender sheep!" Still, I am human, not like you, but continue:,, No! My lord! Stay back! I am your prophet! I am your... AAAHHH!!" That sounded really painful. Also, I think Bendy denied his friendship request. Wait, why am I making jokes, I gotta get out of here or I'm gonna be the next one on Bendy's rejected list. There is a puddle of ink forming under the door, where Sammy got out through. I get out of the chair somehow, grab my nearby leaning axe and just head out of that room, through the corridor in front of me. I see the ink machine going back down, to wherever it came from. I then get back on my track and destroy all the wooden boards in my way, which breaks my axe. Great, now my defense thing is gone. I see a door to my left, there's a lot of ink in front of it, but I decide to go there anyway. And I do. I shouldn't have, because suddenly, I see Bendy again, who starts chasing me after I try to approach the door. I hurry to get to safety, even though I don't even know if there is a safe place here. I also have no clue, how long I have been in this place. After that demon appeared, there are ink stains all around me, on the wall, the floor and even the ceiling. After I went through a door, it locked behind me. That would stop him? A locked door? Wow, weak ink demon. I could hear him, knocking on the door. When I walk through the room, I see a can of bacon soup, rolling towards me. I'm alarmed immediately and say:,, Hello? Is someone there? I know you're in here. Come out and show yourself." As soon as the creature steps into the light, I am surprised:,, Boris?" He gestures me to follow him. He is a friendly wolf, if he is the way I create him, so I follow him and he brings me to a safe house. I tell him, that I'm going to go to sleep and I lay down on his hammock. After I wake up, I first look around. There's a bendy clock in this room. Weird. When I step out, I see Boris' clothing hung to dry. The bathroom is flooded, the mirrors are broken and the toilets are disgusting and dirty. I then walk back to Boris. When I walk to the back of the room, I see a weird picture made out of several scraps of pictures  from character ideas I had, but Joey rejected those. But wait... I never drew them, I just told Joey and he simply rejected every one of those ideas. Did he steal them, after I left? What an asshole. He stole the idea for my butcher gang. I walk to the door, but the lever handle seems to be missing. Well, maybe Boris knows where it is. I walk up to him and ask:,,  Hey buddy. Have you see. That lever handle around? Or are you holding it hostage until I make you something to eat? " I actually meant that as a joke, but then I notice that Boris seems to actually have the handle. Great. So I really gotta make him soup. I collect a few cans and put them into a pot. After its cooked, I give it to him and he hands me a box with the handle. As I open this door, I look behind me, to see Boris standing there. So he either ate really quickly or I made that soup for nothing. Either way, I'm glad that I'm not alone anymore. Before I walk out, I remember I saw a bone somewhere. Well, dogs like bones right? And Boris is a wolf, so basically a dog... I walk back and grab that, giving it to Boris with the words:,, Let's see, what's out there. Don't wander off." He takes it in his mouth and just keeps it there. He then walks in front of me, until I see a flashlight. I pick it up with the words:,, Looks like it's really dark up ahead. Let's find some light." We walk into the dark room in front of us and I mumble :,,  Don't be scared, Boris. I'll keep the light near you, so you don't get lost." There are a lot of big machines and then, we both hear a loud noise. Boris looks up, putting his paw under his chin. I walk a little before I ask:,, Did you hear that?... Yeah, me either." I don't know why I act like I actually get an answer from him, but I do. I guess, because he's the first entity in here, that didn't try to kill me. I walk towards the room, but I think I was too fast for Boris, he didn't follow me, so I walk back and shine the way out of the darkness. We end up in front of a door and Boris faces a vent. I give him the light and watch him crawl into the vent. Okay bye then. Shortly after he did that, the door opens. I'm glad that I found him. We then walk through a small double gate into something called the Heavenly Toys Workshop. So Joey did eventually hire a guy to make more toys. Huge toys too. Well, I guess he put a lot of money into the machinery as well. I'm just stunned by this. "Wow... I don't remember any of this.." I walk into something that looks like the actual workshop and sigh annoyed:,, Why is there always something blocking the door? Gotta be a way through." I suddenly hear humming. A Lady's humming. After I get all the little toys out of the way, so the wheels can actually turn, I leave that place. But I found another voice log, so I'll leave after I played that.

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