Chaos 101 II

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Nearing the midnight hour, and with the power still a prevailing issue, a pair of workers were sent to resolve the issue. Normally this was done by the member of staff, but as of that morning had not been heard from coincidentally. And so the two men found themselves puzzling over the problem as they drove their aerial platform truck towards the clearance booth situated some distance away from the dam.

"I don't understand why there's no response from the station." The driver questioned his companion who only looked back at him with equal confusion. But not very soon after the conversation began, a dinosaur-like shadow fell over their truck accompanied by a monstrous roar. The Typhus had found them. Without further delay, one of its snake-head legs blasted the truck with a crackling fireball. The two mortals were lucky enough to have been able to get out in time before they were destroyed along with their vehicle, but they still had a monstrous problem above them.

And unseen to the two men, a bloodthirsty God was over on a nearby cliff overlooking the encounter. Letting loose a malicious laugh as his minions, the beastly Giants, lugged heavy piping and other materials to a designated spot behind their master. Witnessing, too, how the God's monster besieged the land with fire all around the newly combusted vehicle as it looked for the two puny men who were screaming their lungs out for help that would not come. Entertaining Cronus all the more until the Typhus, with a devastating swoop, caught the two running men amidst the flaming trees and devoured them each with his snake heads.

"If he keeps that up he'll wake the neighbors" Cronus clucked his tongue with mock severity. But with prideful glee, the God turned back towards the smaller monsters of his entourage and gave an affirmative nod. To which, the polar bear looking Giant flipped a red switch on an impressive mechanism that was interconnected by the massive pipes. Causing an ominous, stereotypically villainous, red ray to begin warming up.

"Excellent! Let the Typhus have his fun. The world is going to get a wake-up call very shortly anyway." Cronus, yet again speaking aloud to himself, muttered dramatically as his torso turned back to the Typhus's devastation. His carmine eyes then turned to the heavens with a manic exultation as his hands turned to fists. Unbeknownst to all but him, a sparkling meteor was speeding its way towards the Earth. "It's almost time "


"Hey guys Any room in there for me?" Archie asked as he leaned sort-of inside the back of Herry's truck. Which was a ginormous, pale blue, street-eating machine complete with harnesses for seatbelts.

"Of course. Jump in!" Jay leaned his head over Theresa's shoulder, who sat up-front in between Jay and Herry. Naturally, due to close proximity one might ignore someone who had flushed cheeks, for Herry who sat next to her sent her a sly wink. Theresa glared back at him. Though that didn't stop the warm smiles that they all cast to their previously wayward member.

"There's room enough in here for a football team!" Odie joked as the three in the back scooched over a seat to let Archie take the seat nearest to him. Thankfully, the truck had four seats in the back to off-set the three in front which allowed everyone present to pile in with little trouble.

"So Are you gonna be a part of our team?" Atlanta asked Archie, over the heads of the two petite members of their hero group who coincidentally sat in the middle two seats.

"Yeah! Thought I might tag along." Archie, who seemed to be smiling more often now, sent a happy look Atlanta's way. But back up front, a whole other conversation was taking place.

"So, your granny just gave you this truck?" Jay asked of their designated driver, Herry.

"Yeah, she can't drive it anymore." Herry stated as he turned the ignition, shifted into gear, and then drove off the curb into the hubbub of traffic. As if it was self-explanatory why an old woman, frail with age, had this monstrous truck in the first place. Details Herry! Nonetheless, a plume of engine exhaust followed them as they made one of their first treks into battle.


"It looks like whoever was driving that truck got out of there in time!" Theresa gasped in relief as Herry drove them past a wrecked, construction vehicle which sat rammed against some trees on the side of the road.

"The doors are open, they must have escaped into the woods." Jay made his observations known to everyone in the truck.

"Should we try and find them?' Theresa responded with large amounts of concern flooding from her. Instead, Jay, leaping out of it the first chance he got once Herry screeched the truck to a halt in front of the entrance buildings to the dam, gave a negative.

"No time. We have to look for Cronus. It'll be better if we split up. Herry, Odie, Atlanta! Check out the dam. Theresa, Archie, Mel, and I will search the area." Jay, looking more and more like a leader by the day, roused everyone to attention.

"These PMR's will keep us connected." Odie promised as he stood at the back of the truck where two yellow duffels sat. Tossing everyone their own fancy-lookin' walkie-talkie that he had dug out of the nearest bag.

"PMR?" Herry asked as he toyed with the satellite device which looked tinier in his hands than it had in Odie's. "Looks like a walkie-talkie!"

"It's a little bit more than just a 'walkie-talkie.' " Odie stressed, somewhat indignantly as the others gathered their weapons and began to do some warm up movements to get the blood pumping in anticipation for the upcoming fight.

"Ready?" Atlanta asked everyone, but we all saw her eyes drift to Archie.

"To battle a giant monster, take on an immortal God, and save the world?" Archie asked with a majority of sarcastic disbelief. Mel, still a newbie, nodded along to his assessment ( though she had more belief than him due to meeting Athena in person ). Didn't mean she wasn't looking like a frightened baby penguin, quivering as she somewhat was in her shoes.

"Heh-Yeah!" Atlanta took it upon herself to answer his slightly rhetorical question with an enthusiastic, beaming smile. The huntress was always ready for a hunt, this would be her best yet.

"Alright. Let's go!" Jay shouted, performing a power move, as he motivated everyone. And as one, each group moved out. Jay's team heading for the cliffs along side the wide river below the dam. Atlanta's team delving headfirst into dangerous territory atop the dam.

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