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The death of 682 will surely go down in the foundation's history when 682 had died that day, a celebration had occurred, and gave hope to the foundation that if they could vanquish 682, they could take on anything. But after all of that, they still had to dispose of the corpse, Many of the scientists believed incinerating it would be a waste without studying its body, so tests were performed before the incineration occurred. Months later, the request to incinerate 682 was denied. No one knows the reason why, but some believe it had to do with the fact that they couldn't do it, as the body was too tough to be incinerated. So the foundation had to resort to burying it, The body was transferred to [Redacted], Where it was buried by [Redacted] and [Redacted].

The foundation hoped that eventually whatever underground creatures there were would consume 682's body, and we hoped that would happen. It's been 3 years since all of this happened, and while 3 years is a long time, we can't yet confirm that 682 is dead, it is still being classified as "Keter" for now. In the event that 682 is sighted alive (Which is very very very very unlikely,) please report any sightings to [Redacted].

Thank you for reading today's issue of Site-19 live, and be on the look-out for our next article: What happened to [Redacted]!

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