Chapter 3

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this is a terrible idea. I thought as I walked over to Jane's house. I planned to head to Jane's house and try to convince her to leave her chihuahua indoors and only bring it outside to walk it. But I had no idea how to say it. "Oh hey, so I have a giant crocodile-like monster who will eat your dog if you leave it outside so keep it inside please." I realized I was standing on her driveway idly and walked back to my own house. There's no way I can convince her not to bring her dog inside. I thought. I made my way inside and went to the backyard. "Back so soon?" the beast said, as though he would have wanted me to stay out longer. "Yeah, I decided not to go to the store." (I didn't want to tell it the real reason I went out) "Cowardly ape." it snorted as it closed its eyes again. I sat down on my couch and began thinking about what to do. Whatever I did, It could not fail, or else I would be in a word of trouble, and the beast will be taken back to the infamous "place" he talks about. When I first realized this was going to be a problem, I tried asking the beast for advice, without giving the entire context of the situation away.

"So let's say that there was a very annoying human who always makes a lot of noise during the day, what would you do to stop him from making noise?" I said. The beast did what it usually does whenever I ask it a question, which is to say nothing for a few seconds. "Consume it..." it growled. Okay, maybe not the best advice I could have gotten, but at least he acknowledged me. I wasn't about to eat my neighbor, I wasn't that desperate. But I still needed to figure out a solution. Suddenly, the landline rang. I got up and picked up the phone. "Hello, this is your credit card provider." The voice on the other line said. "We have detected unusual activity on your account, and we need your credit card number to fix it." I hung up, knowing I was way too smart to fall for a credit card scam. Then it hit me, I could pretend to be somebody and manipulate Jane to keep her dog inside! I thought about it for a good moment, and I saw nothing wrong with that idea. I booted up my Mac-Book and began writing a script so I would know what to say.

A few minutes later, I had a killer script that sounded very official. I made it sound like it was a call from the local Veterinarian's office. I have to say, I made this very realistic, I could be a spy or something. I chuckled to myself and picked up the landline to make the call, but then I realized. I didn't have her I don't have her phone number! I can't believe I forgot the most important part of this whole plan. Soon she was going to let her dog outside, and then disaster will breakout. The day went on, and I continued to think about what I could do to fix this. Morning came, and I saw something that gave me an idea, I saw Jane's garage open, and her car came out and drove away. I knew what I had to do, it was wrong, but I had to do it.

"I knew humanity was stupid, but I didn't think you'd be one of them. Scratch that. You are stupid." I ignored the beast's sarcastic comment and focused on opening the door. I knew breaking into someone's house is illegal, but I had no other choice. "Why am I being forced to participate in your little robbery anyways?" the beast asked. "Because I need a heads-up in case she comes back. "Can't I just roar instead of having this attached to my head?" it asked. when I was getting ready to find Jane's number, I realized that I would need somebody to tell me if Jane was coming back, so I asked the beast to help me. I didn't have any walkie-talkies, so I taped the landline on its head and called my cellphone. "For the last time, I'm not robbing her, I'm just... grabbing something," I said as I picked the lock. "Something that doesn't belong to you.." it said. "Yes and no," I said back. "What is it that you so desperately need?" it asked me.

"Her phone number," I said back. Just then, the door opened, and her dog began barking. I flinched. This wasn't helping. "Just tell me when you see somebody coming, and ill leave. I'll be back in 10 minutes." I told him. "If you get arrested, can I have your yard?" It chuckled, and I ignored it. I planned on finding a phone number and nothing else, it couldn't be that hard. I tip-toed over through the hallway, which was covered in pictures of people, and opened a door to find a bedroom. I closed the door and continued onwards, thinking that I wouldn't find her number in there. I checked room after room, but I couldn't find anything. There was still the second story I haven't tried, however, but I didn't want to go there, because if the dog saw me, it would bark louder, possibly attracting unwanted attention, But it was my only option. I ascended the stairs and prayed that the dog wouldn't hear me come up. But nobody came.

I saw a door open just a little bit, with a sign on it reading: "Do not disturb." Maybe it's an office. maybe ill find something here... I thought as I opened the door all the way. Sure enough, I found a small room with a large deck with a computer sitting on top of it. Jackpot I thought. I became looking for something that had her phone number. I looked up, and I saw a few pieces of paper held in place with thumbtacks. I read them all, they were just strings of numbers, maybe passwords or something. But then I found it, "House phone number."

Yes!! I said a little too loud. I took a picture of the phone number and glanced at my watch. Oh shoot, I was in here a little too long. I have to get out of here!

I began to sneak down the stairs, but then I heard the worst sound I have ever heard in my entire life. I turned to see the dog barking, very loudly I might. I Panicked and bolted down the stairs. "Ape, somebody's coming into the house!" the beast said on the other line. "What does he look like?"

"Um, red hair, sunglasses, she has a dress, very skinny..." I immediately recognized the description of Jane and began to panic more. "Is she coming inside?" The beast didn't respond. "Answer me!!"

"It looks like she's already inside, from the look of it, you're as good as dead." I heard a door open and a female voice. "Chewbacca, calm down. Momy just came back to grab her laptop." She headed towards the bedroom, not even noticing me or the dog. I ran to the front door as fast as my two legs could carry me and spirited back home. I closed my door and sighed in relief. I headed outside to thank the beast for helping me with my little mission. When the beast saw me, it did something I have never seen it do before. When I saw him, he jumped on me and began licking me. "I thought you were going to die!" it said happily. If I hadn't jumped back in time, it would have crushed my entire body, but luckily it only got my legs. This was the very first time I had seen it happy, and the first time it has shown affection towards me. "Well, I'm alive thanks to you, bud," I said. The beast got off of me and bared its teeth at me. "Well, you should have been more careful." I figured it seemed to notice that I had noticed it's a good mood and reverted to his tough, menacing personality. "Don't expect a greeting like that every time you come back." It growled.

"Don't worry, I won't."

A few minutes later, I made the call. With the script in hand. "Hello, Is this Miss Jane?"


"Good. This is the Paw-Pads veterinary office, we're calling in regards to your recent adoption."

"What about it?"

"You adopted A chihuahua named Chewbacca recently, correct?"

"Yes, I did."

"Good. We are calling you today to tell you about an unfortunate disease going around, affecting animals. If left untreated, it could be fatal."

"What do I need to do to keep him safe?"

"Your dog will be okay as long as you keep him inside and only take him outside for walks, but nothing else. "

"Okay. I understand.:

"Thank you for your time. Good-bye."

I got up and breathed a sigh of relief. Now Chewbacca won't be in danger of being eaten anytime soon, hopefully, this is the only issue I'm going to have to deal with, I'm not sneaking into any more houses... 

Hey everyone! I'm sorry the next chapter came out so late, I just procrastinated. But I really hope you enjoyed this chapter either way. If you enjoyed this story, please be sure to follow me so you never miss any new stories. I'll try to get the next chapter out sooner, writing this story has been really fun, and I hope you all will enjoy the plot for future chapters. Thank you all for reading, and remember, Be safe around Draak-Kin. 

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