Chapter 6

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It had been a day since I had played with 682, and also got called by the foundation. After I received the call, I prayed that 682 didn't happen to hear who I was talking to, chances are that if he did, it would be a nightmare to try to explain what had happened. After the call, I went to bed, and the next day I went outside, the rope was missing, and when I asked 682 what had happened to it, he just ignored me. I figured he was in one of his moods again, and just ignored it and continued my day. Many hours later, I was in bed, unable to sleep. I don't know if I was worried about the foundation, or if I was just guilty about not telling 682. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand. 11:58

I had decided to just watch some TV for a while to try to take my mind off things. After getting up and using the bathroom, I heard a knock on the door. I ignored it, thinking it was just a tree branch or something. But then the knocking grew louder, and then the doorbell rang. I knew that this was not the wind or the trees so I quickly put on a shirt and headed downstairs. I tried looking through the peephole, but it was pitch black outside. I opened the door to see a lot of people standing outside. Some people wearing lab coats, some people with vests and equipped with guns, There were even a few trucks with mini-guns mounted on them. In front of everyone, was a tall man with glasses and a stern expression, clipboard in hand. I assumed that he was the leader of the group.

"Is there a problem... people at my door at noon?" I asked.

"Are you Bryan Smith?" The leader said.

"That would be me."

"Good. An officer of ours has informed me that you are housing SCP-682. We were told that you were not, but we were told to search for your house, just to be sure." He then asked me if he and his many other people could proceed with the search, and I suppressed the urge to tell him that they would need a search warrant to do so, but they came in after a few minutes of me trying to talk them out.

They were very destructive while searching, they turned over every sofa, my bed, and almost anything that could hold an 8-foot reptile, not even noticing it right outside the screen door. I prayed that 682 wouldn't wake up and attack them, but eventually, they went away from the door and through the other rooms. After exploring every room, they headed back to the living room.

"And lastly, the backyard." The leader said as he opened the screening door and motioning outside, as some of the soldiers marched out.

"Okay. I politely ask you to not go outside."

The guards pushed me away, and I braced for what was to come.

"There it is!" One of the guards, who sounded like a female said.

"EXTERMINATE HIM!" the leader shouted. They began shooting, and not even 5 seconds later, 682's eyes shoot open, and he roared in fury. 682 leaped forward and grabbed the woman, and she screamed in pain as 682 bit her in two, her body writhed as he tossed her corpse aside and continued his attack. I ran toward 682 to try to calm him down, but one of the people grabbed me.

"682! Stop! Let me go!" I yelled, as 682 continued his assault. I looked behind me and saw the leader taking out a syringe and filling it with a liquid. "Restrain him" he barked as the guard held him down, as he roared and screamed profanity at them. The leader walked up to him and plunged the syringe into his neck. He continued to struggle for a moment before finally going limp. I freed myself from the soldier's grasp and ran towards 682's body. "What have you done?!" I said.

"What had to be done." The leader said.

"He hasn't hurt anyone," I said. knowing that was probably not true.

"He very much has, and here's another fact, you're coming with us."


"You've seen too much, and you face possible termination." He explained. I saw two guards approach behind me, and they lead me outside, I knew that there was no point in trying to struggle, perhaps there was a way out of here. They put 682 in the trailer and motioned for me to go into the trailer too. I guess they figured that 682 would kill me, and save them trouble later on, but I figured that 682 would want to kill me if I didn't explain what happened well. The leader closed the trailer door and a short while later, we started moving. 682 layed in the back of the trailer, bloodied from multiple gunshots. I didn't know if he was either asleep or unconscious, but I hoped he stayed asleep for a while and woke up calmer. A few moments later, I heard a loud growl from the back and I saw that 682 had begun to stir and opened his eyes one by one. The blood from his wounds had dried, and he had already begun to heal from the damages. I had imagined that he would have thought that I sold him out, and would attack me, but he didn't move or speak.

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