Chapter 61

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Years ago...

A lost soul and a spirit animal breaking into his territory were new. Truth be told, the lord of the realm was bored with his daily routine. Torturing the two emotionally was enough to break the trend. Wei Ying and ZhiHao would endure darkness that would reveal their innermost desires; desires they will not be able to quench as long as they were kept in that prison.

Things became more intriguing when he received a visit from an old acquaintance. Someone he fancied for a long time, Baoshen Sanren. The softness of her features dismissed her actual age in a thousand folds. The man was impressed with how she carried herself and her ability to control an entire realm with such diligence.

The Master was usually depicted as an old man with grey hair and a long beard but that was far from his actual appearance. Looking barely forty, he had a clean face and shiny raven hair. Though he was old as time itself, he enjoyed being up to date with change.

"Baoshan Sanren?...I must have done something right..",  the host approached the visitor to offer her a seat himself. It would be rude for the woman to refuse him. Exchanging pleasantries and sharing a drink was a must; one had to test the waters before filling the gorge.  

"Your Lordship, I am at your mercy today with a favor to ask of you.", the Grandmaster began.

"Mnnn go ahead...You're a guest worth entertaining.", the man answered with a chuckle.

BS, "My grandson and his spirit animal wandered into your realm by mistake. I would have come sooner had it been possible at the time..."

The man's face changed; his brows knitted, "Grandmaster, you know such favors are not allowed."

"Yes...But I believe you can make an exception. It is not his time neither did he end up here on his own accord...It would bring great happiness to me and my realm if you would help me this once. And I will be in your debt.", the woman bowed politely.

Thinking over the cultivator's words gave the man an idea. "Ok, if it would please you, I can hand them over... but on a condition." the man smiled, amused by the look the woman gave him. "Baoshan Sanren, you dont have to be concerned about my demand...I only crave your time. How about a simple game of chess to help us catch up on old times."

"Certainly, but first my grandson and I owe you an apology."

"Hahaha, no need. I would not have had this lovely surprise had he not been here...", the man raised his cup...

***********************************************************************************************Present day...Gusu's Cloud Recesses.

Lan Wangji was briefed by Sizhui. The tragic news of losing a child made its way to the four corners of the sect. The most pitiful part of it all was that Madam Lan was still in great shock and denial. She refused to surrender the deceased to be buried... 

Sect Leader Lan could not grief for her child with JingFei's behavior. Burying himself with the issues of the sect could not take his mind off it either. When Lan Wangji's frame came into his view, he forced a smile to greet meet him. 

"Brother...", Wangji put courtesy aside and embraced Xichen. Words were not always comforting. Lan Xichen has been exposed to so many words by now, it would not any effect on his mood. 

"Wangji, you didnt have to come.", Xichen was yet to cling on to the embrace. 

"Nonsense... Ge, what kind of brother would I be if I could not feel your pain and  grief with you." Hanguanjun patted him on the back a few times, bringing down his brother's wall. 

All their life, Lan Xichen was the one holding him up when he was down. Even when he did not agree with the choices his baby brother made, he was always supportive and took the necessary steps to keep Wangji from harm's way.

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