Extra 2: Incense Burner I

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Hi my WangXian babies, I always miss you.
I wanted to add more scenes to this chapter but I was worried about the length, so instead, I'll be giving short spoilers on some of the things to expect in the next update.

I want to say a big thank you to Bella for inspiring me in this chapter and giving me juicy artwork to set the mood.😍😘😘

That being said, it's only fair to warn you that this Chapter may not be perfect but watch out for the smut😶 or better still, read with one eye.❤😹🤭


Like most normal homes, there are mishaps here and there when it comes to children

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Like most normal homes, there are mishaps here and there when it comes to children.

Three and growing, the twins began acting their age; gaining a stronger personality, asking questions, doing whatever they pleased.

At times they were too cute to rebuke, and at other times, their father and elder brother tried to get a hold of them- especially the elder.

They were good children...good children who loved to play hide and seek most of the period, giving caretakers a hard day.

Xing was the perpetrator who loved sharing all his adventures with his better half whether Xiang agreed or not. It was okay until they got lost heading towards the mountains, unsupervised. All hell broke loose when their mother came into the picture.

Then came the case of basic etiquette. The children are young, but Wangji and Sizhui were prepared to instil discipline.
Wei Ying became a problem at that juncture, giving the children cheat ways and teaching them how to get away with bad habits like taking sweets even when they've been denied.

Servants were monitored to make sure the boys were not learning any bad words, yet whenever they said something like, 'shut up' or 'idiot.', someone other than the housekeepers became the culprit.
It was obvious the twins felt untouchable whenever Wei Ying was present. With what he went through to have them, even their father had to thread softly.

Wangji tried his possible best not to argue in every discussion. 'Allow them to enjoy their childhood before you tie their minds to rules and regulations Lan Zhan.', Wei Ying said repeatedly whenever there was an issue.
Then one night at supper, this happened:

Lan YongMing refused to eat his vegetables and wouldn't listen no matter how hard Sizhui tried to persuade him. It's something that occurred often but this time got a little out of hand. Lan Wangji only observed their interaction, expecting things to change.

"Vegetables are ruining my life Ge. I hate them.", the little boy scrunched his face in protest.

Sizhui was patient," It's good for your health...You can try one piece at a time like YongZheng."

"Yuck... Then let him eat it Ge, I'm no goat.", Xing shifted the piece of asparagus Sizhui placed on his bowl of rice.

That statement was not welcome in Wangji's presence no matter how cute the offender was.
" Lan YongMing, eat the vegetable and apologize to your brother right now.", his father came in. Xing went mute for a moment, turning his gaze to Wei Ying for support.

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