Chapter 7: Well That's A New One

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Well, he woke up... But he had a huge welt on his head. And we had a movie premier in 2 days, so we were hoping that it wouldn't take long for it to go down. We iced it every hour. And even gave him more healing botanicals to help with his internal swelling. And after a day and a half, the swelling was gone.

Now, it's the day of the premiere. I was in my dressing room getting ready. Yes, I have a dressing room. Our movie company had rented out a place for us to get ready. And rented a car for us to ride to the premier in. Now I had the makeup done, and my hair was next. (I'll leave this to your imagination. You guys are creative I'm sure.) Now for my dress, I decided to go with the red shimmery body fitting dress with a slit up the left leg. 

I walked out to wait on the stairs for Jacob. (Always late. Per usual.) They always say the girls are the ones that are super picky about the way they look. But I don't think that we are. Jacob is very picky about how his hair looks. Which his hair always looks perfect seemingly without him even trying so I don't know why he's always so picky. But anyway, I'm rambling about small insignificant details. 

Jacob came out and we walked out to the limo. Yes, limo. (this is also something you can pick or imagine yourself.) As we pulled up to the premiere, I could see all the flashing lights of the paparazzi and the new media that was covering this main stream event. But of course, who wouldn't want to cover the story of the best movie romance comedy, that the industries have ever seen. Especially with this hunk of a man in the main character's spot.  I know, I know, I'm kinda supposed to say that because he's my boyfriend and all but it's true. He's a great guy, and I'm glad I get to call him mine. 

Altogether the movie premiere went great. We had a blast. And afterward, we went to Jacob's place instead of mine.  Which is new. He usually doesn't take me to his place. But that's usually because I am always too tired to go anywhere but my place. But tonight I was abuzz with energy that I haven't felt in a long time. It was amazing. It felt like an adrenaline rush. 


Come back soon for a new update on the story..

will we get to find out what Jacobs place looks like.. do we meet some new people? Tune in next time to find out some if not all of what was just said..

also sorry it took soooo long to come out with another chapter it was just so hard with all the covid stuff and having everything going on around me and vacations and stuff. Much love guys. Stay safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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