xii. Horcruxes and the Deathly Hallow.

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As I pranced throughout the corridor, about to take a sharp turn, I suddenly smelt the familiar scent of dark sandalwood and sugarcane, with hints of coffee and firewhiskey. Tom's cologne, I thought to myself. I then heard multiple people talking, including Tom's rather posh voice.

To be completely honest, I was rather excited to see him. It's been a week since our little date at Hogsmeade, and we haven't chatted much merely due to the fact we've been caught up in our studies and such. Was it considered a date? Surely it was, I mean, what else would it be? I thought as I sighed. Tom Marvolo Riddle, incapable of love. He doesn't love me, but why does he act as if he does? I couldn't help but ponder about these things.

Finally, after quickly drifting out of my racing thoughts, I took the turn into the next corridor. Tom was talking with my brother, Abraxas and also their dear friend, Avery. They looked rather secretive, as they seemed to be gathered by a wall towards the middle of the corridor.

Something in my gut told me they were being secretive for a very important reason. I finally decided to spy in on the conversation, as my curiosity had gotten the best of me. I sprinted to the cold, clammy dungeons, into the common room, where multiple housemates sat and chatted with one another, then my feet took me straight into my dormitory.

I wasted no time and pulled a box out from underneath my four-poster bed, and lifted the blood red lid. I quickly took out a long cloak from the box. It was that of velvety fabric with a great deal of intricate victorian-style patterns littered across it. The color was a mixture of many, though mostly dark blue and purple. It looked kind of like the night sky I loved studying.

My invisibility cloak, I exclaimed to myself. I hurriedly threw it over top of me and sprinted right back down to the corridor I saw Tom and his buddies in.

I approached the threesome as silently as I possibly could, then I got just close enough to hear what they were speaking so quietly about.

"Three?" Abraxas shrieked as quiet as he could, "Are you out of your mind Tom?! Three horcruxes. If you continue at this rate you'll no longer be human." My dear twin brother looked extremely worried.

As soon as I heard that statement, tears filled the brim of my eyes, ready to fall at any given moment. My hand shot up to cover my mouth. I was in shock. I knew Tom wanted power, yet he was ruining himself to receive it. I was hoping his journal wasn't very true, hoping it was just plans, a dream. A foolish dream at that. Something he'd never ever be able to go through with, or would even possibly drop completely to be with me, to make me happy, yet here we are. I couldn't believe I was so foolish. I was completely lost, though I wanted to run away, as fast as I possibly could, I was stuck in the same spot in utter disbelief.

"Don't be foolish, Abraxas," Tom began to say calmly. "You know this is the only way for me to get authority and power. I'll lose my good looks, yes, but what more do they even mean. I'd risk anything for power.... but her I suppose.." He finished that statement sighing, saying the last portion a bit quieter than the rest of the sentence.

"That should be impossible! You shouldn't be able to feel that of love." Avery exclaimed, trying his best to keep his volume down.

"Love?" Abraxas questioned, he looked rather confused, then looked deep into Tom's dark eyes, "You mean you actually love her? Y/N?"

"I hate to admit it, but I believe I do... I cannot feel love, yet every time I find myself near her, my heart feels like it's ten seconds away from pounding out of my chest, and my stomach feels all knotted. She's my weakness." He ended the sentence with a groan, looking shamefully at the cold floor right beneath him.

The tears began rolling down my slightly rosy cheeks. I hated to cry, it made me feel weak, but here I was. Crying over a boy, a boy who was willing to sacrifice his own life and image for power. I felt pathetic, but I loved him. Nothing can stop love, truly. My vision quickly became rather foggy due to the tears.

"This is an awful idea... but you could always make Y/N herself a horcrux." Avery began to say timidly, he could feel the icy cold glare of Abraxas burning right into the side of his head, so he added to the statement, "If she agreed to it of course."

"Absolutely not." Tom replied sternly, Abraxas nodded in agreement to Tom. I was extremely shocked, and accidentally shifted due to becoming rather uncomfortable with the thought.

Tom hitched his breath once he heard a slight movement coming from no one but myself. "I believe someone is here.." He began, but his sentence drifted slightly, becoming quieter, as he turned himself around to look down the corridor behind him.

My hand shot right back up to cover my mouth as I realized what he meant, and I stayed as still as possible, regulating my breathing pattern.

"Tom, I believe you might just be paranoid." Abraxas calmly stated.

I decided to say fuck it, and made my way right back to the dormitory. I felt the need to cry just a little more, and that was exactly what I was going to do.

JUICY !! Wow, okay.. Tom's got some sick plans in mind, yeah? Remember to check out Expecto Patronum! My Harry Potter x Reader fan fiction. Sorry this chapter is rather short. Y/N has the invisibility cloak? So how did it end up in the hands of  James Potter? Hmm, many questions.

- V.

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