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Flash back

Sera: alright Leilah il work with you who is the next target?

Leilah: His name is john hes a threat

as sera's eyes widen of shock Leilah noticed it

Leilah: do you know him?
sera: we used to be best friends 

Leilah: I can cancel it if you want?

Seraphina: No its fine.

John's POV
Psh headmaster always favouring the those fake royals

I got a beep i look at my phone who had a text message from seraphina

I grit my teeth before moving my finger to block her

Are you sure you want to block sera?
Sera: John can you meet me at Boba in a alley

John: Okay dumass im not stupid enough to trust you.

Sera: Can you just swallow  up your pride and do it?

john: Can you just block me and stop being a bitch

Sera: lets made a deal.

John: as i typed im not stupid-

Sera has blocked you.

this bitch

I sigh to myself before falling on my bed

Ok maybe shes in trouble?

Or maybe shes tricking me into ambushing me like claire

or maybe she wants to tell me something? 

i sigh again before getting into my wellston Uniform

before getting my shoes and leaving the dorms 

Seraphina's POV
i texted john and blocked him

I felt bad im doing this before remembering this is for his own good.

me and the royals are discussing the plans Arlo will make a barrier i will stop time and inject him with it

Arlo: hey dont you think its a bad idea the school will relapse

Remi: what do you mean

we look over to arlo who had a tick mark

Arlo: The reason we made the safe house was to aviod john If we take his ability the whole school will be more chaos the low tiers will get bullied again

Remi: I dont know what your talking about thats when we saw john

we we saw john come in the alley

John: Seraphina Why did you text me and why there here- he said mad

the others nodded before activating their abilites he looked at us with shock before his was glowing We beamed him with the damping beam so he would be weaker

as arlo trapped John john in a barrier as i froze time before he could attack us i skipped time so i could be in the barrier i look in to his eyes the were frozen




most of all


I took the injection before having flash backs of when they did it to me it was absolutely hell.

I stabbed it in his neck as his were having trouble glowing

as i froze the royals 

blyke: is it done?
arlo: Yes you idiot

we decided to hit a run for it

as we unfroze the 

little did i know i ruined the last spark of friend ship and regret of John.

452 words 

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