Breaking: Idiot Gremlin Child Found Dead in a Ditch (SBI + Tubbo)

360 15 11

Word Count: 1145

A/N: Look! Look!! Something not even remotely angst!!! Are you proud of me? :D

Well, be proud while you can because holy shit I write a lot of angst. Sorry not sorry—

The fresh air and cool wind felt refreshing on Techno's face as he walked out of the gym, done with his fencing practice for the day. He adjusted the heavy bag strapped across his body and began to make his way over to the local park. They had a system: Wilbur was busy with his jam sessions on the days that Techno had fencing which ran about half an hour longer than his own practice (conflicting schedules—gotta love 'em). Because he had free time before Wil could come and pick him up, Techno had taken to spending those thirty minutes in the park because it was so close. The nice thing about it was that it gave him some time to cool down and relax, read a bit, and maybe even write if he was up to it.

Today was one of the lovelier days of summer, and Techno couldn't help but smile about it. He found an empty bench and dropped his heavy bag, practically melting into the seat below him as he felt exhaustion and relaxation take over. A contented sigh escaped his lips as he opened his eyes again and fished for his book. Yeah, today was a good day. As he sat there reading, he wondered if there were even more good things to come later. Maybe a family game night? Or watching a movie? Maybe talking to Nestor and Calvin later, playing some games with them too... that'd be nice.

What Techno did not expect, however, was to hear the painfully recognizable voice of his own little brother pierce through the contented silence of nature.

"I'm telling you, Tubbo, we'll be fine! They won't suspect a thing."

"Tommy, we're in a public park. Anyone could be here, and anyone could see us!"

"Now, now, Tubbo. This is just a fucking park—it's boring as shit! I don't see why anyone in their right minds would be—"

Techno heard Tommy trail off in his sentence and tensed as he felt a gaze on him, knowing that he'd been seen. With a deep sigh, he closed his book and met Tommy's eyes with a cocked brow. Tommy went from a look of shock, to panic, to an awkward and forced smile. "The Blaaaade—hey man! D-Didn't think you'd be around these parts! Whatcha, uh... w-whatcha up to?"

He continued to deadpan at his brother, not letting up on his gaze. "Readin'."

Tommy blinked a few times and grabbed ahold of Tubbo's arm, pulling on it to urge him in the other direction. "We-e-ell that's all good and pog! Pog and pogchamp! Ten out of ten—we'll leave you to it now! Yessir, we were never here. C'mon Tubbo, leave The Blade to his reading—"

"What are you reading?" Tubbo completely ignored Tommy and slipped out of his grasp, jogging over to Techno and glancing at his book. This made Techno's gaze soften, a faint smile returning to his lips.

"Oh, I'm just rereadin' The Art of War... Sun Tzu and all that. Really good book, I recommend it."

Tubbo smiled bright at Techno, shrugging a bit. "Well, glad to hear that! I'm not much of a reader, can't read too well." Tubbo stopped for a moment, glancing down. "I don't know why I asked about your book, honestly."

Tubbo's thought process earned a snort from Techno who laid his book back into his fencing bag and stood up. He patted Tubbo on the shoulder and smiled down at him. "No worries, Tubbo. Brains are weird like that." This comment made the younger boy brighten up again, beaming up at Techno.

Said pinkette now turned his attention back to his brother who was next to him and Tubbo. He looked sort of ancy, and Techno smirked at that. "In any case, what about you? What were you two doin', eh?"

Tommy stiffened, the endless tapping of his foot stopping as he looked into Techno's eyes and hunched in more on himself. "N-Nothing! Nothing at all, just uh... walking around this old park and scamming people! Yeeeeah, that's it—doing some of those good ol' scams! Big crime and I, scammer elite we are..."

"Yeah! We are, we are!" Tubbo happily chimed in.

Techno narrowed his eyes slightly and thought for a moment. What would Tommy possibly try doing in a park? Let alone without anyone else around...

Then, an idea struck him.

"Tommy," he lowered his voice, deadpanning completely again and glaring into his younger brother's soul, "please don't tell me you were about to commit any type of arson."

Truthfully, the idea was stupid and he just wanted to say it to see what Tommy's reaction would be. He didn't believe it at all—Tommy wouldn't do something that stupid, would he? Unfortunately, that idea came close to seeming more like reality as he watched Tommy's face drop and go slightly pale. He began to stutter and talk incoherently, none of his words actually being comprehensible as he talked over himself. Techno felt his eyebrows draw down—did he seriously even consider that? What the hell??

Tommy stopped his rambling when another familiar voice caught their attention, "Oh, hey Tommy! Hey Tubbo! Didn't expect to see you guys here with Techno." Wilbur had finally arrived, thank god.

The blonde looked up and put another forced smile on. He confidently turned on his heel, spread his arms out in greeting, and announced his words proudly, though with an undertone of relief, "BIG MAAAN—"


Tommy froze as he felt the back of his hand hit something hard. He pulled his arms back a bit, but didn't dare look anywhere other than Wilbur's shocked face. He was fucked, wasn't he? Slowly turning to assess what in the hell just happened, he saw Techno on the ground: he was holding his nose and his glasses lay beside him with... a big crack through one of the lenses.

He was fucked, wasn't he.

All Tommy could do was watch on in intense fear, mortified at his actions, as Techno slowly looked over at his broken glasses. He didn't say a word—didn't make a sound. Just slowly grabbed the fallen item, placed them on his face again, and reached into his bag. Now standing, he finally turned his attention right at Tommy. Techno's icy blue eyes sent a shiver through Tommy's whole body—he didn't understand how one man could be this intimidating. He nervously flicked his gaze down to where Techno now held his rapier, before moving it right back to his eyes.

"Tommy." The voice was firm, cold, and impossibly low.

Tommy gulped, feeling as trembles spread through his body. He willed himself to make a noise, his voice weak and fear very evident. "Y-Yeah...?"

Techno took a moment, letting the tension sit in the air for what felt like forever.

"You have about fifteen seconds to start runnin'."

He was fucked.

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