A Mysterious Call

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  "That... Was exhausting," Kinoshita sighed, laying out his sleeping bag on the floor of the room and sitting on top of it, taking a drink of his water as he did so.

"You can say that again," Ennoshita agreed, looking up from where read a book from the dim light on his phone.

"I can't wait for tomorrow!" Nishinoya chimed in. Kageyama looked up to see the smaller boy stretching in the corner, probably trying to stop his muscles from getting stiff. They were all winding down after the long day, and Kageyama agreed with Kinoshita, it had been exhausting. The two coaches had kept the athletes on their feet all day, and training had been relentless. The team captains had hardly been any better, shouting instructions constantly. All that being said, it had been a good day and Kageyama was looking forward to the next.

"Did you see the serve I did today?" Hinata rolled over on top of his sleeping bag to face Kageyama from where he had just been chatting with Sugawara. His eyes lit up the way they did whenever he became excited, and he had a grin plastered on his face that was both sheepish and proud.

"Uh.. No. I didn't," Kageyama admitted. It was true, he hadn't. He hadn't even been paying attention to Hinata that much that day at all. He figured he was busy working with Kenma.

"Wait seriously?" Hinata asked, jolting up to a sitting position. His face fell when Kageyama nodded. "Aw man, I was hoping you were! It was really good!" He flopped back down, narrowly missing his pillow and slamming his head on the floor. "Ouch!" He exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head.

"You are such a dumbass." For once, it wasn't Kageyama who had said it. He looked up to see Tsukishima wiping off his glasses and rolling his eyes.

"Whatever Tsukishima," the ginger stuck his tongue out at the other student who simply let out an exasperated sigh. He flopped back on his bed properly this time, and Kageyama watched as he rested both his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling. "This... This is what I love," he stated, turning to look at Kageyama who stared back, confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean... I don't know how to put it into words," the middle blocker began, staring directly into Kageyama's eyes. "I love volleyball. Everyone who knows me knows that." He paused as if trying to fit the words together. "But it's not just the volleyball part that I love. Sure, the feeling of stepping out on the court for the first time is amazing. The adrenaline rush as you score a point. The stinging in your hands that makes you... I don't know, come alive?" He asked, looking to the setter for confirmation.

I completely understand, that's how I feel too, Kageyama thought. But he didn't say anything, just simply waited for Hinata to continue.

"It's just... There's more to it than that," the setter watched as Hinata averted his eyes and looked around the room, at all the other members of the team who were all doing their own thing, whether that be reading, listening to music, or chatting in small groups of two or three. "I guess... Being a part of a team is what I love. Knowing there are people I can fall back on when I need them the most. Being able to take trips just like these, is what volleyball is to me. I've been thinking a lot about what you said the other day," Hinata looked back at Kageyama. "About what I'm going to do when it's all over. But I can only hope for one thing, that whatever team I move onto next, will be just as amazing as this one."

"Well said Ginger," Coach Ukai walked up, eavesdropping. "Now, I think it's time for the two of you to go to bed. That goes for all of you. We need to make sure you're all well-rested, tomorrow is gonna be another long day."

"Yes sir!" Came the responses of the students who were still awake. Tanaka and Asahi were already asleep, and Kinoshita looked like he was on the verge of drifting off as well.

"Night Kageyama," Hinata yawned, turning away. The first year couldn't help but smile to himself at all the awkward angles the other teen's hair stuck out at. He stared at his friend's almost sleeping form for a few moments, feeling peaceful for the first time since they had arrived. He relished in the feeling for a minute or two before he turned over to sleep for the night.

Except for he didn't stay asleep the entire night.

What was that? Kageyama sat up in bed and rubbed sleep out of his eyes. He had been restless for a while, but he must have at least been out for some amount of time. From the sounds of breathing that the setter heard, everyone else was fast asleep. But that wasn't why he had woken up. Something must have woken him. What was it?

He heard the sound of a door shut and he realized what it had been. Someone must have opened the door that led outside. Once his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Kageyama looked around to see who it might have been. It didn't take a lot of searching, the sleeping bag next to his was empty.

Where's Hinata gone off to? Kageyama stood up, pulling his hood up on the jacket, trying to keep the cold out as he removed himself from the warmth of his sleeping bag. He walked up to the entrance, carefully stepping over Asahi and Yamaguchi. Once he reached the door he cracked it open, trying to make sure it didn't make too much noise. He peered out through the tiny gap, trying to figure out where Hinata had gone.

The person who he was looking for was standing outside, his back to Kageyama. He had his head tilted and shoulder up, the way someone usually did if they were on the phone. The dark-haired teen pulled the door open further slightly, debating on himself if he should go out or not. He settled for listening in for a few moments.

"Hey mom," Hinata said in a low voice after a second. "Sorry my phone was on silent, I didn't want to wake anyone else. I just got your texts. What's up?"

His mother? Kageyama tilted his head in confusion. Calling your mom was a pretty normal thing for a teenager to do while they were away from home, but it was extremely late.

"They're... They're in?" Kageyama looked back up to see Hinata pacing, looking down at the ground. He pulled himself back a bit, hoping the shadows would conceal him. "Still not conclusive, huh?" There was a note of bitterness in Hinata's voice that Kageyama wasn't used to detecting, and he saw the small ginger biting his lip, almost as if in pain.

What? What's going on?

"Now? Really?" Hinata's voice went on after a slight pause, probably giving his mom time to respond. "But- the training camp- I promise I'm being safe! Can't it wait?" the small teenager's voice rose slightly, and he shivered. "Okay," he seemed to sigh, but it was hard for Kageyama to tell in the darkness. "I'll tell the coach."

Kageyama quickly retreated back inside, trying to avoid being noticed. He returned to his sleeping bag and waited for Hinata to return.

What was that all about? Kageyama was more confused than ever now. What about the training camp? And what does he have to tell Coach Ukai? He waited for a few more minutes, but Hinata hadn't come in yet. It was taking everything in him to not go running out there to check on him, to make sure his friend was okay. But he stayed put. Soon the warmth of his sleeping bag caused his eyelids to droop, and as much as he fought he eventually couldn't win. He drifted off to sleep, his last thoughts about how he'd get all the answers he needed tomorrow. 

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