I Think We're in Trouble

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It had been much, much too long since Y/N had been able to spend any time with Remus, so when the boys invited her to Hogsmead one snowy Saturday morning, she politely declined, deciding to spend the afternoon in the library instead. Remus also decided to stay back, hoping to get some time with her. He was glad that the marauders liked her, and that she was fitting in at the school-Everyone who met the girl loved her. She made friends wherever she went- but Remus missed his best friend. Y/N's eyes lit up when she spotted the lanky boy strolling into the library. "Rem, I thought you guys were going to Hogsmead?" She asked as he took a seat next to her. "Figured I'd stay back and spend some time with my favorite girl," he shrugged, earning a smile from the girl. "Well, what do you say we find a really good book, and then go back to the common room and read it together?" She suggested. "I couldn't think of anything better," Remus smiled, standing up. After several minutes of searching, they agreed on a book, and headed back to the Gryffindor common room. When they arrived, however, they found that many people had stayed back to escape the snow, so they went up to the marauder's dorm instead.

"Rem, can I borrow some boxers and a flannel?" She asked him as he rummaged around to find some snacks. "'Course, Love," he shrugged, pausing his snack hunt to grab Y/N some comfy clothes. Once she was changed and Remus was content with the snacks, they both sprawled out on his bed, book in Y/N's hand. "Y/N?" Remus asked. "Yes?" Y/N turned her head to find him laying back, eyes closed. "Will you read to me this time?" He asked, not opening his eyes. Reading together was their thing, and they usually switched off, Y/N would read to Remus sometimes, and other times Remus would read to Y/N. "Of course," she smiled, scooting over and laying her head on Remus's chest. He smiled and sighed contently as her voice filled the room as she began reading.

A couple of chapters into the book, Remus stopped her. "Y/N," he spoke up. "Hm?" She asked, closing the book, but keeping her place with one of her fingers. "I miss you," he blurted, sitting up. "What do you mean?" Y/N laughed. "You see me every day." She shifted herself so that she was sitting cross-legged across from him. "I mean yeah, but I feel like I never get to spend any time with you anymore. Peter always needs your help, or it's James that wants to talk, or Sirius who needs you for something, or it's girls night-which I understand that you need- and I'm happy that the boys love you, and that you've made so many friends here because you didn't have a lot at Ilvermorny.... Jus' miss you, is all," he rambled, avoiding her eyes. "Remus... I'm so sorry," she started. "No, I don't want you to be! I don't want you to feel bad, because I really am happy that you're so happy here! I just want more time with you, 's all," he protested. "You're absolutely right though. I haven't made enough time for just you and I in the last few months and I really am sorry about that," she said, moving so that she was now sitting next to him. She sighed and set her head on his shoulder. "I really am sorry, Rem," she said again. "I really don't want you to feel bad about it," Remus shook his head. "Let's make a deal to stay back every other Saturday. Just you and me," she suggested. "I'd like that," Remus nodded.

"You know you are my best friend though, right?" She asked him after a few minutes of them sitting in silence. "I love James, and Sirius, and Peter, but you've put up with my brattiness for far to long to not have the highest title." "You are pretty bratty," Remus chuckled. "Hey!" Y/N took her head off of his shoulder and pouted at him. "You weren't supposed to agree!" She moved to grab the pillow closest to her and chucked it at him. "How am I supposed to say that you aren't when you just attacked me with a pillow?" Remus laughed, throwing back at her. "Because I'm your best friend and you find my sassiness endearing!" She said, hitting him with the pillow twice. "Sweetheart, you're going to regret that," Remus threatened, grabbing another pillow. A pillow fight broke out between the two, hitting each other and laughing loudly.

"Oi! What is this?!" They heard James yell from the doorway, and they both stopped momentarily. "Moony, you can't hit her!" James exclaimed. "Thank you, Ja-" Y/N was cut off by Sirius. "Yeah, mate, not without us!" And before anyone could register what he meant, he snatched a pillow off of his own bed and began to attack Y/N. It had been a fight between Y/N and Remus, but with the three boys and the small girl? It was a WAR. Remus and Sirius were going after Y/N, and James stepped in to help her fight them off. Feathers began flying everywhere, as the four continuously pounded each other with as many pillows as they could get their hands on. "Okay, I changed my mind," Y/N yelled, however none of them stopped slinging their pillows. "James is my favorite, I hate both of you," She declared as she knocked Sirius off the bed. "Oh, you're dead, little one," Sirius grinned devilishly before snatching the pillow out of her hand and tackling her onto her back, beginning to tickle her. "This isn't how you're supposed to have a pillow fight!" She whined as she writhed beneath him, trying to get out of his grip. "James! Help!" She whined.

James, who had been intensely battling with Remus, turned his head to find Sirius, pinning the small girl down. "Oh, hell no," James said, giving Remus one last smack before giving his full attention to Y/N and Sirius. "Not my teammate," he declared before slamming his pillow into Sirius' side, knocking him off of Y/N. "Prongs! I AM your best friend!" Sirius complained as he picked up a pillow. "I have to protectY/N though! She's so small!" James protested. "Also I'm nicer than both of you blokes!" Y/N chimed in, as she swatted Remus, sending the last of the feathers in the pillow to the floor. "Well, fuck," she muttered, staring down at the empty pillow she was clutching. James saw the predicament she was in, and looked to his own pillow, which was less than half full. "Babe, I'll do my best, but I think we're in trouble," he admitted as he swung what was left of his pillow at Remus and Sirius. The three of them got a total of 7 swings before there were no feathers left in any of the pillows. All of them were resting on the beds, on the floor, or floating in the air. The four teenagers looked around silently before bursting into laughter.

"Guys, What...?" They heard a voice from the door, and all looked to find Peter. "Wormtail! Glad you could join us!" James exclaimed casually. "Our room...." he sighed, disappointed. "How did you even..?" Peter asked, obviously done with their shit. "Well, we got here and Y/N and Moony were having a pillow fight, and there was no way we weren't going to join in on that," Sirius shrugged. "Don't worry, Peter, we'll clean it up," Y/N assured him sweetly. With a couple waves of her wand and some words under her breath, the feathers returned to the pillows, and the pillows placed themselves back on the beds. "Thank you," Peter sighed, glad he wasn't the one left to clean up the mess. "Where were you, Wormtail?" Y/N asked as Peter set his bag down and took a seat on his bed. "I went by the library to tell you we were back from hogsmead, but you uh, you weren't there," he shrugged. "Oh, Well that was thoughtful of you, thank you," Y/N smiled, causing Peter to blush and avoid her gaze.

"Mates... today has really tired me out," Sirius spoke up. "You know what, Pads? Me too," Remus agreed. "FRIENDSHIP FORT!" James declared, grabbing his wand and pointing it at one of the blankets. The five of them quickly assembled a magical fort, big enough for all of them to fit comfortably. They all sprawled out in the fort sleepily, the day finally taking it's toll on each of them. "Babe, can we please cuddle?" Sirius asked. "I'm not really in the mood, sorry mate," James joked, earning laughs from everyone except Sirius. "Not you," Sirius grumbled. "Please, Love?" He reached his arm out for Y/N. "Mmm, I don't know that you have rights to cuddle after that tickle stunt earlier," Y/N smirked, scooting away from him. "Babyyyyyyyy," he whined, giving her his best puppy dog eyes. "Sorry," she shrugged, still smirking at his neediness. "'S enough," he huffed, sitting up and pulling her over to him. "Bit needy today, aren't we? Should have thought of that before you attacked me," she quipped, not bothering to move out of his grip. "C'mhere," he whimpered, nuzzling into her neck and throwing a leg over her. Y/N rolled her eyes, but cuddled up to him, sighing contently when she got comfortable. It was silent for a few minutes as the 5 teenagers began to let sleep take over. "You know guys," Y/N spoke up sleepily. "I love you all so much. You're all so great." After a wave of "we love you too's" and a sleepy kiss to her neck from Sirius, Y/N closed her eyes, immensely grateful for the best friends anyone could ever have.

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