All I Need

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"Y/N, are you ready to go to Hogsmead?" Sirius asked, barging into her dorm. "How do you keep doing that?" She muttered, not taking her eyes off of the mirror. "You see, I spend all my time studying the dorm charms rather than the stuff we're supposed to study," he smirked. "Little dressed up there to be raiding Hogsmead, aren't we, Love?" Sirius asked, noticing that Y/N was wearing an infinity scarf over a sweater, with skinny jeans and tall boots-her hair in loose curls and her makeup done; rather than an old flannel with her hair messy and minimal makeup. "I'm not raiding Hogsmead with you guys today," she shrugged, finishing up applying her lipstick. "What do you mean 'you're not raiding Hogsmead with us?' It's Saturday. You stayed back with Moony last week, it's our turn-Why are you putting on lipstick? You never wear lipstick?" Sirius rambled. "I'm going on a date, if you must know,"'Y/N said, leaving the mirror and beginning to search the room for her bag. "No you are not!" Sirius exclaimed.

"No she's not what?" Remus asked, entering the room along with James and Peter. "Y/N, here, thinks she's going on a date," Sirius informed the rest of the marauders. "No way," Remus shook his head as James shouted, "Absolutely not!" "You can't do that!" Peter cried. "Okay, dads," Y/N scoffed, still trying to find her handbag. "How do all of you keep getting up here, anyway?" "'S not hard," Remus shrugged. "Don't change the subject, you can't go out on a date!" James exclaimed. "And why not?" Y/N challenged. "Because... because you're our Y/N! You don't need another guy in your life, you have us!" He whined. "If you want to go on a date, you can go with any one of us! We're all single and would happily take you out!" James told her. "And none of us would ever break your heart, except maybe Padfoot..." "I would not!" Sirius protested. "I said maybe! And if you did, it would be an accident and then you'd fix it and everything would be okay," James assured him. "As appealing as that sounds," Y/N grimaced. "I'd rather date someone who isn't one of you." "'S that supposed to mean?!" Sirius shouted, dramatically throwing his hand over his heart. "It means I'm about to be late. Get out," Y/N laughed as she finally found her bag. "Really, Y/N you can't go out!" Peter exclaimed. "We aren't ready for this, you're too young!" "Yeah," Remus agreed. "Wait until you're at least 30!" "I'm leaving," Y/N told them, flashing them a smile as she stepped out of her dorm. "We gonna follow her?" Sirius asked the other boys, once Y/N was out of earshot. "Oh yes," James nodded. "Yes, definitely."

Y/N tried not to be nervous as she looked around The Three Broomsticks for William, and flashed him a smile when she spotted him. "Y/N!" He smiled, waving her over. "You look cold," he chuckled. "It's a bit chilly out there," she admitted, sliding into the seat next to him. "Well, let's get you a nice mug of butterbeer to warm you up, yeah?" He suggested, earning a nod and a small smile from Y/N, "Yeah." When the waitress made her way to the table, William ordered for both of them, then turned his attention back to Y/N. "Did I ever tell you that your accent is really cute?" He asked her. "Uh, no," she gave a light laugh. "You didn't." "No? Well your accent is really cute," William smiled, causing Y/N to blush at the floor and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Outside, the marauders were shoving each other behind a rubbish bin, each trying to get a glimpse of what was happening through the window. "She just looked down and pushed her hair behind her ear!" Sirius, who had the best view at the moment, informed them. "That means that bloke just gave her a cheesy compliment!" Remus exclaimed. "I know what it bloody means! I give her cheesy compliments all the time!" Sirius cried. "Other guys aren't allowed to do that!" "Why didn't we just bring the cloak, instead of all trying to fit behind one bin?" Peter asked, trying to shove the other boys behind him. "I didn't think about it! She said the "D" word and I panicked!" James told him. "Hey, lovebirds. Stop bickering. A dude is making moves on our Y/N!" Sirius shushed them.

"You know, I'd been wanting to ask you out for a while, but I always thought you were dating one of those guys you're always with," William admitted as Y/N took a sip of her butterbeer. Y/N almost choked on her drink, and then let out a laugh. "Really? Which one?" "That was the problem!" William laughed. "At first we thought it was Lupin, and then it would seem like it was Black, and then at one point it looked like you were dating Potter, but then Pettigrew was always trailing behind you, nobody knew!" he laughed. "Wait, we?" Y/N gave a confused laugh. "Yeah, everyone thought you were dating one of them," William told her. "And here I was thinking you guys just didn't like me because I'm American," she joked. "Yeah, I don't think that's exactly stopping anyone," William smiled, resting his hand on top of hers. "He just grabbed her hand!" Peter announced. "He better let go of it right now!" James yelled. "Prongs. Shut up," Remus snapped. "We're spying here." "I have an idea!" Sirius declared. "Wormtail, you've got to go in there and give them all a little surprise!" "Yeah!" James agreed. "Y/N will be disgusted that he brought her on a date where such disgusting things run around!" "You think that me just walking in will disgust her that much? I happen to think that Y/N finds me to be generally enjoyable company-" "As a rat, You wanker!" Sirius interrupted him. "Sure, that makes more sense," Peter nodded. Seconds later, he was scurrying across the road to The Three Broomsticks, leaving little paw prints scattered in the snow.

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