12. Running away

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I was in my room, and it was exactly 7:30 pm. I was thinking of escaping through my window, as soon as possible.

I wonder what they are doing right now. Phillip hasn't called me.

What if he forgot how to use the phone?

I was walking around in my room, nervously. I didn't know how to think. All of this was happening so fast, that I felt like I had to save all of them-

"Y/N, you have a visitor!" My moms muffled voice called out.

I looked towards me door, and stared at it. A natural thing I would do if my stomach is twisted.

What if it's Lin-

No. I thought, as I walked down

There was no possible way that Lin could find my address. Plus, he doesn't even know me-

"Ah, you must be Y/N!" Said Lin-Manuel Miranda, as I got downstairs, standing in front of me. He was wearing a blue sweater, with black jeans. Not the mention, he was REAL.

I quickly clasped my hands to mouth.

"Oh my gosh, you're Lin-Manuel Miranda!" I sputtered out.

He nodded, holding a hand out to shake.

I shook it as he spoke,

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I met your mom and you seem like a very good student in school."

Yeah right.

I lightly blushed in embarrassment, something I always do when someone gives me a compliment.

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked. My mom decided to give us some space, so she quietly exited the room.

"Please, have a seat."

I did as I was told, and sat down on the couch, as lin sat on the chair.

"Well, how are you?" He started off.

"I'm okay.."

"That's great!" He said, enthusiastically.

A silence was filled in the air for a second.

"So, I'm sure you saw it on the news about the existence of the real Hamilton characters, right?"

I froze. I totally forgot that they existed for a moment, since I was too busy admiring Lin.

He wants to know where they are.

"Oh, uh yeah! It's crazy.. right?" I chuckled nervously, unconsciously scratching my arm.

"I know you know where they are, Y/N." He said, seriously.

As I was about to speak, the phone rang.

That means Phillip was calling me.

I quickly looked at Lin,

"I need to take this-"

"It's them, isn't it?" Lin questioned quickly.

I reached for the phone quickly, and turned to him.

"No, it's just my friend. I promised that I would call her today." I said, very quickly.

He nodded, hesitantly. It looked like he didn't believe me.

"Go ahead."


I rushed upstairs to my bedroom, and shut the door quickly.

"Phillip?!" I squeaked out.

"Y/N! You need to come over now, we are having some complaints from visitors here." Phillip said, his voice muffled.

"Phillip, don't open the door for anybody." I whispered, hoping Lin wouldn't hear me.

"What? Why?"

"I will explain later, I'm coming right now. Trust me."

"But-" I hung up, and headed towards my window.

We have to escape.

But should I leave Lin here?



I quietly opened my window, luckily it wasn't that far down, so I climbed down my window but as I was about to reach the ground, I heard my mother talking to Lin.

"Sorry, she's probably really shy. Let me check her room."

I quickly sprawled out of the window, and landed down.

I had no time to think, as I ran in the back of the house and looped to the side-walk, so lin couldn't see me.

I kept running, blazing speed not even looking back.

I would even win a medal by the speed I'm going now.

~Magical time skip~

I reached the apartment, and ignored the lady in the counter.

I heard her call hey! But I didn't bother to look back.

I just want to see Phillip and the rest alive.

I quickly used the elevator, and as I got there I dashed through the rooms to find the correct number.


I knocked, and knocked repeatedly until I heard the voice.

"Whose there? The big bad Wolf?"


I sighed, in relief. They didn't get them yet.

"Thomas, it's Y/N!"

I heard some chatter behind the door, and it sounded like they were fighting.

"It's Y/N, you fools!" Eliza said, as she reached for the doorknob and her smile came up.

"Thank Gosh!" I sighed, heavily.

"Have you been running? You look like Jefferson when he tried running." Hamilton snorted.

Thomas slowly looked at him, with  deadly eyes.

"Before you can fight.. we have a lot to talk about."

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