20. Atlanta

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A/N: this is going to be a weird switch-up transformation, stay with me!
(And if you don't like marvel, you should probably search it up!)


We ran.

Ran as fast as possible, hoping we would see light.

Which we did, but the light did something unexpected..

As we entered the light, our faces were blinded by the light.

"I can't see anything!"

"Oh, do you think I can see that? I can't see anything!"

Then, the light shimmered, blasting an energy towards us, until it left us standing on concrete.

Many of us tripped, and fell.

Including me.

"It's concrete!" Alexander said, as touched the ground.

"We haven't been away from concrete too long, don't be so dramatic!"

"After that clown, I have every right to be dramatic!"

"Guys, people are staring!" We stood up, quickly and brushed ourselves up.

I looked up and saw we were at a walkway, and it was daytime.

"I swore it was just night." Lafayette said, as he looked around.

"We're we in sewer for that long?"

"Where are we?" Phillip whispered.

I looked towards a sign, and walk towards it.

As I read it, I must've gasped too hard since everyone came rushing to see what I was seeing.


"We are in Atlanta!" Gasped Hercules.

"How did we go from— there, to here!"

"We were at New York.. and now we are in Atlanta." I clarified.

"Okay, so are we superheroes now?"

"Superheroes?" Alexander scrunched his eyebrows.

"I saw a film called iron man 2. Great movie."

I looked at Thomas.

"You watch Marvel?"

"Oh! That's how you pronounce it? I thought it was Marvin." He said, realizing.

Thomas Jefferson watches marvel. How funny.

"Wow." Was all I could say, I should make them watch Endgame.

"Oh look!" Eliza said, as she pointed towards a building.

I looked where she was looking, Forever 21.

"I think that place has clothings! And jewelry!"

"Uh, can we skip shopping?" Alexander said, hesitated.

"But, I haven't shopped in so long!" Eliza protested.

"And I kind of want to see if they have some new necklaces."

"I need a new dress too." Peggy says cheekily.

Is sighed, "How about we leave Angelica, Peggy and Eliza to shopping, and the rest of us find somewhere else to stay." I said, hoping they would agree.

Everybody nodded, and The Schuyler sisters said there farewells.

"We'll be quick."

"Just make sure to meet us outside the shop." I said.

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