you'll always be my day one

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They met on a train where they both decided to visit their province and spend their weekend travelling and bonding with their respective families. It has been months since they last visited their families in the province and they are glad that they have the time to do it again because they badly misses the warmth of their own homes. The train ride may be a little bit longer and can consume some time, they still think that it is worth it because it results to them meeting the love of their lives once again.

They were seatmates. One is busy holding a book and reading it, while one is just watching the scenery outside with her headphones on. When Chaeyoung was about to change her playlist and look at her phone, that's when Mina decided to remove her focus on her book and rest her eyes and mind for a while that they didn't notice they were already looking directly into each other's eyes. There was something, for a millisecond, that sparked within each other's eyes and something magical happened inside of them. There was a pause for a moment before they remove their sight, out of each other. A really awkward moment right there.

They tried to avoid each other's gaze right after that moment, but seems like destiny wants them to keep on looking at each other whenever Mina flips the pages of her book or when Chaeyoung just wants to stare outside. They cannot exchange smiles because the fact that they are totally strangers and just met at that one ride is enough for them not to do that. Although, Chaeyoung really feels shy and wants to ask the girl about the book she is reading because her playlist just keeps on repeating her favorite songs.

But nothing happened during the whole ride, except that they exchange looks at each other and cue a really awkward situation that they just want to be eaten by the land.

The journey lasted for almost 3 hours before they reach their province and breathe the fresh air it gives that they truly miss. Apparently, they live in the same subdivision and therefore is still with each other all throughout the whole travel. When they finally reached their own homes, they found out that they are also neighbors with just one house between them, they immediately laughed at that thought.

A warm hug was immediately welcomed them and they finally felt like home for almost 7 months. They totally missed that feeling. They both catch up with their parents and siblings before they proceeded to eating their dinner and have some fun activities before they go to bed.

Mina's Mom decided to sleep with her that night because she misses her daughter dearly. They talked about how Mina has been for the past months even though they call each other almost every night. By that conversation, Mina randomly told her Mom about what happened in her journey that happened, that made the latter chuckle at her.

"You don't remember her anymore, don't you? You were really close right after we moved in here, but since you need to go to the city to study, you don't bond that much, probably the reason you forgot about her"

"Wait, really? I couldn't remember anything about her, though. But she's familiar"

"You two should catch up, Minari. It's a great time to do that"

With that, her Mom's words linger in her mind for the whole night and same goes with Chaeyoung because the moment she recognized that they are neighbors, she suddenly remembered everything about the girl and that short time they became close.


It was just a brief moment when they both realized that they need to go back to the city and continue the jobs they temporarily left for that short leave. They need to bid farewell to their family again and doesn't have any choice but just to promise to come back when their schedules permits them. Coincidentally, they said their goodbyes exactly the same time and so they decided to be together again on the same route going back to the city.

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