Lighting up your World

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Chaeyoung groaned and turned her body to her right side. She slowly opened her eyes and was welcomed by the sunlight coming from their bedroom window. It's morning already.

She saw the girl beside her sleeping peacefully and it made her smile. What a great sight to see every morning, she thought.

She just continued staring at her until the other can feel that there's someone who stares at her face, so she gradually opened her eyes and saw the most beautiful girl she have ever seen in her whole life. She instantly felt grateful for waking up next to her every morning.

"Morning, my queen"

The older just chuckled and gave Chaeyoung a peck on her cheek.


They just cuddled on their king size bed and feeling the warmth and softness of each other's bodies when they suddenly felt something hard at the bottom of their bed.

"Do you know what this is?"

They are not looking at the thing yet, however, they both felt it and once they clanked both their legs to each other, trying to avoid the thing, it fell from the bed that made the both of them suddenly got up.

It was a brown box and the papers inside fell, as well. They immediately guesses where and to whom did that came from.

They both wore their bathrobes and sat on the floor to see what's inside the box.

Hapi Payrents Day, Mommy Mina and Mama Chaeyoung

They read the first letter in Chaeyoung's hand and it certainly made their hearts melt knowing that their daughter made an effort to go to their bedroom when they didn't even noticed the girl going inside the whole night.

They then take turns and started reading all the letters written in the box that is not just a simple letter, but rather, it was all accompanied with doodles and drawings, mostly of strawberries and penguins, as well as, lettering of Mina and Chaeyoung's names. Even if it is somehow full of error in spelling, they still keep in mind that it's the thought and effort that matters.

Thank you for olweys giving me ice cream wenever I got a perfect and a high score in our eggzams, Mommy and Mama

Chaeyoung reads and she can remember that recent time that their daughter, Ascella, got a perfect score in her Art exam. The wives are certainly happy with the score their daughter got, particularly Chaeyoung because it is her expertise, therefore, she worked hard for their daughter to learn everything about it ever since she was born and welcomed into this world.


Ascella came running to the parking lot of the kindergarten as her backpack keeps on bouncing, the same as her body, while her right hand holds a test paper.

"Careful, Ascella! Don't run, honey! We're here"

Mina welcomes their daughter with a big, warm hug and gave a peck on her cheek.

"Mommy, I got a perfect score in our Art exam! Can we please go to the ice cream store near our house?"

"Our Ascella got a perfect score in her Art exam? That's so excellent of you, sweetheart. Let's go to the ice cream store, shall we?"

Chaeyoung ruffled their daughter's hair and lead her to the back seat of their car. They then went to the ice cream store as what the little girl has said and was immediately welcomed by the staff there because they are already considered as regulars of the shop.

"Mama, strawberry, please!"

"I got it already, sweetheart. How about you, love? Still mint choco?"

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